Chapter 19.

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Four years later.

Ashton's POV.

Four years have passed, a lot of things have happened, and still she's on my mind, Maisie Morgan will always be a part of me that I will never be able to let go of, the first few months were the hardest, but with help from everyone who were going through the same thing, I was able to cope with the situation and move on slowly, step by step. All I needed was baby steps, I needed patience, I needed time. And with all those, I healed, bit by bit.

We made a tradition, every year on her birthday we would go to the cemetery and have a picnic with her, make barbeque and just hang out with her.
Today, it's the fourth year we're doing it. Me, Maisie's parents, my parents, Brea, Grace and Darren. This year we have another guest with us.

A year and a half ago, I started seeing this girl, it took me a while to get back into dating, Grace and Darren tried to set me up multiple times, but I never went on the dates. Even Maisie before she died, she told me to find someone else, start a family and be happy. So a year and a half ago, I met Tammy, she found out everything about me and still wanted to stick around. She knows about Maisie and all that happened between us. I was with her when we celebrated Maisie's birthday last year, I even asked her to come, our parents wanted her to come, but she said she didn't want to intrude, she said it wasn't her place to be there. As you can see, she's pretty great. She's also smart, beautiful inside and out, and perfect in every way. But she's not Maisie, and she knows that, and she said she never wants to try to take her place in my life, she knows Maisie will always be a part of me, that I will never be able to love anyone like I loved her, and she's okay with that, because she knows I love her too. But later on I learned how to love her like that too.

Tammy is joining us for Maisie's birthday this year, she said yes when I asked her, she spent the whole year asking stories about her, and said that she wants to know her.

Now here we are at my parents doorstep, ringing the doorbell and waiting for them to open up.

"Hi!" My mom cheerfully greeted us.

"Hi mom." I said hugging her.

"Tammy we're so glad you could join us." She hugged her as well.

"Thank you so much, I'm glad you let me be here."

"Of course, come on in, everyone's already here."

We went inside and Grace, Darren, my sister, and Maisie's parents were all there.

We packed up all the bags in our cars and drove off to the cemetary. We set up the table, and started the barbeque. We talked to Maisie, we told stories and then we all ate together.

Tammy asked Grace to tell her more about Maisie and the kind of person she was, and she gladly obliged to do so. Everyone was busy with stories and eating desserts, so I slowly made my way towards Maisie's grave and sat down in front of it criss crossed.

"Hey baby, how are you doing up there? Pretty good I assume. Happy Birthday, I missed you Maisie, I really do. To be honest I didn't really know how to live without you at first, you were my everything, you still are and it's kind of hard to accept you're gone. I guess you already know about Tammy, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about her sooner, but I wanted to talk to you first before doing what I'm planning on doing, it's been a year I'm with her and she's great. She reminds me of you sometimes, and I'm glad. She really likes you from what she has heard. She talks about you, she's not afraid to bring you up and it's not awkward. She doesn't want to take your place, she knows you'll always be a part of me. You would've liked her, you guys are so much alike. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I'm waiting for your approval, I want your blessing to go through with the proposal. I never thought I'd be with anybody after you, but I don't want to end up alone, and I know you told me to go out there again and get married, so here I am trying to do that. We all miss you here, your parents are considering of adopting a kid, I told them it's a great idea. Brea misses you too, and my parents as well, she turned six last week, Brea not my parents. Darren and Grace miss you too, Darren is actually planning on proposing himself sometime next week, no one else knows but me. Help him through with that would you?! Just watch over him make sure he doesn't screw up. I know you're watching over all of us. I feel you here sometimes. Anyways, I'll be waiting for your answer, just give me a sign or something. I love you baby."

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