Chapter 13.

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A week already passed since school started. It was Friday and the last period was over.
For a week Ashton kept ignoring me in the halls, avoided looking at me, he even changed seats when I walked in class and sat down next to him. It was getting worse, he was more rude to me than he ever was before we were friends.

Maybe I shouldn't have done this whole hiring a boyfriend thing in the first place.

"Maisie." Grace's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You're staring again."

She was right. I was staring at Ashton getting saliva filled kisses from the girl I wanted to throw down from a roof.

"Hello ladies." Another voice joined us.

"Hey hun." Grace embraced him in a hug as he kissed her forehead.

"Hey Darren." I hugged him as well.

Oh yeah by the way Darren and Grace went out a few times, and now they're kind of a thing. I'm sorry I didn't mention that, how selfish of me only talking about myself. Anyways, yes they are a couple now and they're so cute together. After Darren finally took her out with a lot of convincing from me to say yes, she forgave him and they opened a new page and now they're happy. Unlike me and Ashton, instead of opening a new page we keep going back in the book.

"They're not dating you know." Darren said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Oh yeah? I can see that. I like licking men's faces in public who i don't date too. Didn't you know that about me?!" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"That's a bad habit." He answered me with the same amount of sarcasm.

"Shut up." I hit him with my elbow playfully.

"Seriously though. They're not dating, she's just like how she's been before, and the reason he's not stopping her is because of you. I guess he's trying to make you jealous or something, he doesn't talk about it. And Bianca she's taking advantage of Ash not telling her off. Now I know she's doing it to make you jealous."

"Yeah no surprise there." I said with a chuckle.

"He will never be with her Maisie."

"And he will never be with me either." I said as he walked me out of there before I did anything I would regret.

"Guys wait up." Grace ran up to us just as i got in my car.

"Where were you? You just disappeared."

"Hayley's having a party tonight and she invited us to go. You in?"

"No thanks I'm not in the mood."

"Oh come on." She said getting in the passenger seat as Darren sat in the back.

"Yeah sure guys I'll guve you a ride." I said sarcastically, driving off.

"Come on Mais, it'll be good to go." Darren said.

"Please, you guys just want me to go to get me to talk to Ash."

"Well actually now we're thinking about doing that. Thanks for the idea." Grace said.

"Come on."

"Fine I'll go."

"Okay thanks for the ride, I'll see you tonight." Darren said getting out of the car.

After dropping off Grace I went home and slept until my mom woke me up at seven.

"Honey go upstairs and sleep." She whispered.

"No I gotta go."

"Go where?" My dad asked walking in the room with a bottle of water in his hand.

"A party. Don't tell me I can't go... on second thought tell me I can't go."

"I'm confused." Mom said.

I explained to her that I didn't want to go but promised Darren and Grace that I would.

"You should go." Dad said.

"Great, now my parents are telling me to go to a party! How cool of you guys." I said sarcastically then went up to my room and got ready.

The party was just like any normal high school house party. Drunk teenagers making out not caring who's watching.

"Having fun?" Suddenly an unfamiliar voice asked.

I turned to my right to see who the source was.
A blonde, blue eyed guy with a red cup in his hand stood next to me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Loads." I said with a small, teeny tiny smile.

"Dance with me."

"No thanks I'm not the dancing kind of girl."

"Oh come on." He said sliding his hand around my waist.

"Let go." I said struggling to get his hands off me.

He started kissing my neck and i started yelling, but no one could hear me over the music.

Suddenly another pair of hands pulled me away from the guy.


He punched the guy in the face and continued on hitting him. I pried him away to stop the fight and pulled him outside to calm him down.

"Oh my God you're bleeding." I said as I noticed blood coming out from his mouth, nose, and left eyebrow.

"It's nothing. Are you okay?" He was panting.

"Yeah. Thanks."

He didn't say anything just walked away.

"Wait." I called after him making him stop in his tracks and look back at me. "I have a first aid kit in my car."

He just looked at me hesitant whether to say anything or just keep walking.

"Okay." He finally said nodding his head.

We were in the back of my car, I put some of the medicine on the cloth and cleaned his cuts and wiped the blood away.

"Ow." He winced, I apologized.

"You didn't have to beat him that bad."

"Sure cause he would have listened to me if I had told him to leave you alone."

"Why'd you do it?"

"Just because I'm not talking to you, and ignoring you, doesn't mean my feelings have changed." He looked deep into my eyes.

His face got closer, each time he spoke.

I cleared my throat. "Don't move." I said and wrapped up his wounds.

"All done." I smiled but then I realized his knuckles are also bleeding.

"Is there another place bleeding you'd like to tell me about?" I said sarcastically taking the cloth again and wrapping his hand with it.

"My heart." He said with a smirk.

I laughed a little then we both got out of the car after I was done.

"You coming in?"

"No I'm gonna go." I said.

We said our goodbyes and i left the party after texting Grace telling her I left so she wouldn't worry.

I actually felt like things were gonna be okay between us the next day.

How wrong was I.

The YearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon