Chapter 3.

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As i lay in my bed, I couldn't help but think about it. What it felt like to die. Will it hurt,mwhat will happen to me after it, will I just seize to exist or is there really heaven and hell.

Ashton left an hour ago. I really think this is a good idea, a good distraction and something I've never done before.

But, what will people at school say? I mean no one is gonna know that we're just pretending. As far as they will know, we're just two people dating. Serious. I made that pretty clear. He said he's gonna tell his best friend because he can't lie to him. I understand that I can't lie to Grace either. So I agreed to that.

I continue on thinking about life after death, and slowly drift off to sleep.

"There you go." Mom said placing the pancakes in front of me.

I thanked her and started eating. I love her pancakes so much. I wonder if I'm gonna miss them.

"So, today you're officially Ashton's girlfriend?" She asked sitting opposite from me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Is this the same Ashton?" She asked and I stopped at my tracks. I looked up at her and nodded.

"Honey is this a good idea? I mean I hate to see you hurt."

"I'm fine mom, I don't like him like that, if I did I definitely wouldn't have asked him." I said and put my empty plate in the sink.

"Okay if you say so. Do you want me to give you a ride before I go to work?"

"No, Grace is coming to pick me up."

She gave me a kiss and left the house.

The house.

I'm gonna miss being here... Or am I? Maybe I'm not really gonna go, maybe my spirit will always stick around, maybe there is no light that sucks you in and helps you move on, maybe that's it, you'll just die, your body will be buried but your soul will still go on as if it's still alive.

I'll be able to see them and hear them, go anywhere anytime, but they won't see or hear, or touch me. On second thought moving on sounds better, because I don't think I can be around them knowing that they can't hear me or see me.

The sound of the honk interrupted my thoughts,nI stopped staring at my house and made my way into Grace's car.

"So, how'd it go last night?" She asked once we were on the road.

I told her the ground rules we agreed on.

"Ughh, Darren knows?" She said.

Darren is Ashton's best friend.

"Another reason to hit on me." She rolled her eyes.

And he likes Grace.

We laughed a bit talking about the many times he hit on her and she rejected him.

And finally we arrived. I thought about what I would say to Ashton when I see him, but he was nowhere around. I wasn't nervous or anything, it's not like it was real. But, you know, for our audience. People are gonna stare when they see the Ashton Holmes being romantic with me, Maisie Morgan, not a cheerleader, not a popular mean girl, not a plastic, just a normal, ordinary girl.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. Grace gave me a smirk and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

A bouquet of gorgoeous flowers appeared in front of me. I turned around to see a smiley Ashton.

"Good morning baby." He said with a grin. I actually couldn't help but smile at the gesture. He was good.

"Morning." I smiled back. People already started staring. "You are good." I murmured under my breath.

"Go big or go home right?" He murmured back making me laugh.

I looked at Grace and saw that she was trapped in a really annoying conversation with Darren and she practically begged me to help her.

"Hey Darren." I said making him turn his attention to me.

"Hey Maisie." He gave me a hug. "I'm sor-" He was saying but Ashton cut him off.

"Don't apologise she doesn't like that."

I was surprised he kept that in mind. I stopped him too when he was saying sorry when he found out, and I can't believe he actually remembered that I don't like it.

"Listen to your buddy. But thanks anyways." I said. "I can't believe you remembered that."

"I pay attention to more than just your ass." He smirked.

I slapped his shoulder making him laugh. "Seriously, we might not be as close as we were before, but I still know you pretty well."

That made me feel something strange.

We were staring at each other and things were getting real.

"Well." He broke the stare and pulled his friend's shirt and started walking away. "We don't wanna be late for class. So, see ya babe." He winked at me and they were gone.

I stared down at the beautiful flowers I was holding and endured the smell closing my eyes.

"Hey Juliet. We can't be late for class either." Grace said snapping me back to reality.

I laughed at the nickname and walked with her to class after putting the bouquet in my locker.

This was all new to me, I never had anyone do stuff like this to me before. I mean i had crushes, and dates, and flirting moments, but never a boyfriend, I just never saw anyone good enough to be my first. I like this. I like it a lot.

The hours went by and it was lunch time. I was putting my books in my locker when I saw a note fall to the floor. I picked it up and it read.

Meet me on the roof.   -Ash

"Wow!" I said as I saw him sitting on the floor waiting for me I assume. The roof was filled with flowers all around. "What is this high school musical? We're not gonna sing and dance around now are we?" I asked making him stand up and laugh.

"No!" He shook his head. "I'm giving you the ultimate experience."

"This is what you do for your girls?"


"Oh, so I'm special?"

"Technically this is what boyfriends do to their girls." He said ignoring my question. "I've never done it before to anyone, I don't do these sorts of things, so."

"I love it." I said.

And suddenly he walked closer to me and got on one knee.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

He laughed. "Relax, I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm asking you out on our first official date."

"Oh in that case, yes, I'd love to." I said.

He stood up again. "Good, by the way as far as everyone in the school knows, I'm pursuing you but you're playing hard to get. That's what my 'friends' thought and I said yes."

I nodded and smiled. "Boy you are going all out today."

"Like I said go big or go home. Come one I'm fucking hungry, join me and Darren for lunch you and Grace. Now that we're dating our friends should spend some time together as well." He said sarcastically.

"Bianca and the others won't be there right? I mean i know they're your 'friends'." I said making a disgusted face.

"Not a chance." He laughed.

Bianca is head over heels in love with Ashton. She and her friends have this idea in their heads that they're friends with him and Darren, they follow them everywhere and don't get the hint that they're being ignored.

"Sure then we'd love to." I said as he put his hand around my shoulder and we made our way back down towards the cafeteria.

"Ah Darren is gonna be so happy." He grinned, so did I.


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