Chapter 8.

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I like him. And he likes me. But we both know we can't be together. And maybe we don't want to. It'll be torture for me, it'll be torture for him. We can't afford to fall for each other. And that's okay. What we have is enough. More than enough.

"So how many times did Darren try to kiss you or make a move on you last night?" I asked Grace as we were having breakfast at our local diner.

"Surprisingly he was actually really sweet last night. He didn't do anything to annoy me in any way. We just watched the movie in silence." She replied.

"Really? Darren was silent when alone in a dark movie theater with you?!" I said sarcastically.

"Maybe you were right, he is changed I guess."

"So you're considering giving him a chance?"

"Huh! Not a chance. No, I mean I'll probably stop declaring my hate for him and try to be friends but I won't date him. No, that ship has sailed. I can't trust him in that category. He may be changed into the better, but he is still a player."

Seeing my best friend hurting over a guy sucked. She liked him a lot. But like she said there was no trust there. And if there's no trust. There's nothing.

After we finished our breakfast we asked for the check.

And suddenly last night's Prince charming walked in.

"Hello ladies." He said with his signature smile.

"Hey Darren." We both greeted him as he walked to our table.

"Hey beautiful." He looked at Grace.

"Hey Darren." She said.

"I love you, you know that right." He said like he does every time.

Grace just sighed and stood up walking past him.

"No I hate you today?" Darren asked surprised.

"Lucky you." She smiled. "I gotta go before my mom freaks out. We're supposed to clean the basement today. See you later guys, bye." And with that she left the diner.

"That was new." Darren said shocked.

I just smiled and nodded.

"Listen Maisie. Do you have a few minutes, I really wanna talk to you." He said.

I thought for a second that, I always assumed that Darren liked her back. But I was never sure. And as my job as the best friend. I had to know his true intentions. This was my chance.

"Sure, I can always have another cup of coffee." I said with a smile.

We ordered ourselves coffee and he started talking.

"I wanted to talk to you about Grace." He said. And when I didn't answer he continued. "I like her Maisie, I like her a lot. So damn much."

"Well if it helps. She likes you too. I mean she doesn't want to admit it. But she does. I know it." I said.

"I want you to help me."

"Darren she doesn't trust you, she thinks you're a player and you'll always will be. She won't go out with you. I'm sorry."

"I know. I know she doesn't trust me. I messed that up. I was so stupid. God! I would've been the happiest man alive right now if she had gone out with me that first time."

"You think you would have still been together till now if it had worked?"

"Of course. I wasn't just asking her out, I really wanted to be with her. I still do. I'm serious."

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