°ৣۣۣۜ͡✵°Chapter 1°ৣۣۣۜ͡✵°

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~Zendaya's POV~
"Zendaya get off that stupid skate board before you hurt yourself, act like a lady.. Or better yet like the princess you are." My darling mother yelled at me, I simply rolled my eyes and continued to skate board around the empty lot. "Zendaya I know you hear me! get in this house" I ignored her "Ugh just a pain like your father" I smirked at the comment she made & replied "Thanks mom I try" I waved to her as she walked in the so called 'house' it's more like a prison if you ask me.

All the rooms and space and they just want me to stay in my room with nothing to do but watch tv, & sleep. Hell I can barley eat, I get little things to eat.. It's not that I won't eat it's that me being a model & a princess. I have to stay a certain size because I have to be the girl everyone wants to be personally all girls are perfect no matter the size. As long as your comfortable with yourself that's all that really matters.

But my mom and agent don't allow me to be that person who that approves of fat girls they think skinny is the only way to be. I got a little disappointed and I tried to shake the thoughts from my head when a loud voice said something and my thoughts instantly faded away.

--"Hey you, flower pants. Come here"
I looked around and saw one big man approaching me.. He had little facial features I slightly giggled when he squinted.

--"Um, not to be rude or anything but.. How the hell did you get in here? Why are you in here? This is gated for a reason. Mostly to keep me in but creeps like you out" I spoke in a high tone then snapped my fingers at him

I said picking up my board & eyeing the man up and down.

--"Listen here flower pants I'm not big on kids or their annoying questions so-" the huge man glared at me

If it's one thing I hate more than being in this dumb house it's being called a kid. I don't know where this confidence came from but I marched right up to him.

--"Don't you ever & I mean ever call me a kid"

I said getting frustrated he just looked me up and down and laughed holding his stomach. I was about to speak again when he suddenly grabbed me and he put his forearm against my neck and he brought his hand up to my mouth & nose with a cloth over it. And instead of saving my air in my lungs I clawled at his forearm around my neck.

I heard him whince and I thought he was about to let go but he didn't and I needed air so I inhaled and seconds later I started to get dizzy. My eyes were getting really hazy and I couldn't support my weight any longer and my legs gave out from beneath me & my vision instantly went dark.

***Few Hours Later***
No One's POV

Everything was coming back as far as my hearing & eye sight but I kept my eyes closed. I started hearing a voice. No several voices. Zendaya thought to herself.

--"Shut up before you wake her Mila" Dinah said

--"No you shut up your the one practically yelling Dinah" Camila spat back

--"All of you shut up.. Damn" Lauren said

--"Sorry Laur" Dinah & Camila spoke

I continued to act like I was sleep but then I started squirming when I felt a cold hand be pressed against my cheek. I have this thing with people touching my face.

--"Hey paws off my face" Zendaya said

Zendaya opened her eyes and sat up causing all eyes to be on her.

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