"What the hell did you say" I growled at him while I squeezed at his throat. How he could say that Siena would never do that, not to Bonnie.

"Expression has consumed her Damon, something not right with her" He couldn't barely talk as I wanted to squeeze the life out of him right now. I wanted send him back to the other side once again.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that" I screamed at him I refuse to believe that Siena would do that. Jeremy eyes began to glaze over.

"Damon I'm telling you the truth, why would I lie to you about something like that. I consider Siena like a sister" Jeremy had tears rolling down his cheeks. I could tell he weren't lying I let go of him and walked away I couldn't deal with this. My Bella couldn't do something like this she just wouldn't "Hearing the witch's had taken Nico, Bonnie felt Siena aura change from light to dark..... She let the darkness take over her" I turned to him what the hell did he mean by that?

"The darkness?" Jeremy looked frighten and nervous at the same time. I can't get my mind around this all.

"Siena is the dimidium sanguinis Damon, none of us knew what that meant. During my time of the other side they spoke a lot about her" Jeremy began to approach me "dimidium sanguinis is drawn to the either light or darkness, they spoke of Siena being drawn to the dark and that if she fully accept it. She will be the biggest fear on the earth making Silas seem like a fluffy bunny compared to her" I couldn't believe what Jeremy had told me I couldn't and I can't imagine Siena turning that dark it all had to be bullshit. I can't justify Siena action for 'killing' Bonnie but I do not and will not believe that the woman I love my Bella, my princess, my Siena would be turning into something that people will fear.

Siena P.O.V

I'm spiralling out of control I'm waking up in unknown places not remembering a thing. I feel like I'm losing it I don't know who I'm anymore I've been like this for months now.....

My first memory of it I woke up and I looked around me and appeared to be in an apartment I sat up and looked around I didn't know where I was. I got up and I felt light headed I grabbed hold of the dresser to gain my composure. I looked up at the mirror and I didn't even recognise myself anymore. What the hell going on with me? 'Dear sweet Siena don't fight it anymore' I heard a voice in my head say darkly to me. 'This is who you are' I looked in the mirror and I could see me but it weren't reflecting me, the person who I was looking at had an evil glint in their eye.

"Don't fight it Siena, you need to accept who your becoming" My reflection spoke back to me. I backed away from the from the mirror and the reflection didn't change.

"I'm losing it" I ran my finger through my hair I've finally have lost it. Then I felt a burning sensation go through me then it felt like something was growing inside of me my vision became blurred then I fell into darkness.

This had happened to me on a few occasion where I would wake up in random places I didn't even know which state I was in half of the time. Every time I could remember who I was whatever was taking over me would take control over me. Each and every time I tried to fight it but it was no use, I didn't know how long I had been like this if it was days, weeks or months but I could feel myself changing slowly where I felt I was dying inside.

I began to try and fight it I wasn't going to let this thing take over me and make me lose myself all I wanted was for Damon to come and get me and to be in his arms. I wanted to forget everything that had happened I just wanted him and feel safe once again. I wanted to fight for my family all I wanted was to find my baby boy and hold him in my arm never let go of him. To get my family the hell out of Mystic Falls.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now