Chapter 12~ No More...Just No More

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I sat up on my bed glaring outside the window, 'why...did they had to go on a trip, now I have no choice but to stay home with the creature and dad...I wonder if he's thinking 'bout me as much as I'm thinking 'bout him, then again he might fine it weird...being that we're no longer little kids, pretty soon we would be starting high school together'. I wracked my mind as thoughts of high school ran throughout my mind, 'why am I thinking of should stupid things...people in middle school had boyfriends and girlfriends, hell most of the bitches that was supposed to be going high school dropout 'cause they got pregnant'. As the time few by I caught myself talking out loud to myself about pointless things that ran through my head, ' wouldn't bother me if Hayden gets a girlfriend...would it, or if I get one would it bother him...probably not, why does he need a girlfriend in the first place he has me, and I have him...I have him', warm chills ran down my back as images of Hayden with flashbacks of us together flashed in front my conscience view.

"Evan..EVAN!!" I quickly snapped my head at my dad, "huh...sorry wasn't paying attention what happened", "I was saying if you don't eat your food it's going to get cold", I picked my head up off my hand and took my elbows off the table and sat up straight as I began to eat my dinner, "Evan what's wrong you seem worried about tomorrow?" I quickly dropped my fork and slumped back into my chair, "my sorry but I don't feel hungry...can I go upstairs please?" I softly asked dad as I dropped my gaze lightly, showing a painful expression, " could go, I'll take care of the table, go lye down". As I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling and listening to dad shout at the television as the sport announcer shout back at him, 'where is the creature...oh yeah he's in the basement for breaking the family picture'.

Tap-tap-tap...tap-tap-tap, I slowly got up when I heard the sound coming from the window, "what the hell...window", I whispered out as I rubbed the sleep out my eyes that had taken over me. I quickly moved the curtains and immediately was taken by surprised when I saw Hayden standing on the roof, smiling devilishly at me, I quickly opened the window as I immediately helped him in the room, guiding him over the dresser and onto the bed without breaking, knocking over or making any noise.

"What you doing here...I thought you wasn't suppose to be back till tomorrow?" I asked with a bit of anger in my tone as I whispered to him, "I came back early...why you piss if anyone should be piss it should be me, I just scaled and rock climbed a house just to see you". Immediately after him saying that my entire attitude towards him calmed down, "I'm sorry...(I dropped my gaze to the floor and away from his, he was sitting on the bed looking up at me) I was actually upset about something earlier...I'm sorry", "really...want to talk 'bout it?" A blush ran across my face as he took ahold of my hand and drew me closer to him, "huh...ahh...I-I'm ok, it's ok now", I held back his hand and squeezed tight not wanting to let go, but I knew I had to, "would you like me to stay the night with you?" "Nah it's ok, my dad won't be happy if you did, you know like if it just happened without him knowing", "ok...then I guess I have to go out the window, down to the front door and ring the bell", "yep", "by the way why do you have two you have two ass'?" I almost busted out laughing at his remark, "look who's talking, you're the one that looks like they got two ass'...your name should be pork-butt". Hayden almost died by laughing by trying to keep it in, "that reminds of that cartoon Cow and Chicken...there favorite food is pork-butt", "oh yeah...(out of laughter...I managed to stumble backwards falling and landing on the creature's bed; as I landed on the bed due to my mouth was open, spit few out of my mouth and landed directly on both my nipples, I quickly sat up and saw that Hayden was dying on the floor in a silent laughter attack) eww gross...god damn it". After a minute of laughter he slowly got off the floor, "I have the perfect name for you...jezzile-tits, that so fits you", "whatever pork-butt, now out the window so you could come through the door". Hayden blinked wildly at me before he began to chuckle softly, "now that makes sense...out the bloody window to enter through the front door when I'm already in, (we both laughed and hard too) ok I'm going, I'll be right back in two shakes", "make it one", "don't worry I ain't going nowhere", with that said he was out the window.

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