Chapter 6

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Resurrect her grandmother. It wasn't the craziest thing that she had heard but yet, it still seemed impossible.
Red was pretty sure that bringing someone back from the dead wasn't quick or easy. And she was also quite sure that bringing someone back from the dead would come at a price.

She thought about it for a while. It's as if the the thought of going forward with the plan or backing out of it was pacing back and forth in her mind. Red had almost no clue on what to do. She was eager to bring back her grandmother but was her grandmother eager to return to such a cold hostile world? Before she and Damion could go anywhere with this plan, she would have to think about.

Not just for herself but for her grandmother. There seemed to be no point in bringing her back if she was already n the brink of death. If Red brought her back, it wouldn't be because she loved her grandmother. Although she did very much, it would be because she didn't want to be alone. It would be out of selfishness and not love.

She couldn't bare to look at her reflection in the mirror. She looked down to floor, feeling sorry for herself.
"Is everything alright?" Damion asked her from behind the door.
"Yes." She lied right through her teeth. She opened the door to face Damion.

"Are you sure?" He asked her. Red walks away from him.
"Okay." She starts. "I'm starting to have second thoughts about this.
I feel like I'm being selfish, what if my grandmother doesn't want to be brought back?" She says aloud.
He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"What makes you think that you're being selfish?" He asks her.
"I'm not doing this because I love her Damion, I'm doing this because I don't want to be alone." She admits.
He scoffs at her words.
"You're not alone, you never were. You have me." He tells her.

An intense wave of pain rushes over Red's body. Causing her knees to buckle underneath her, sending her down to the ground. Damion tries to hold on to her but he's in as much pain as Red. The painful sound of shrieking causes their ears to bleed.
Red's vision begans to blur, making her unable to see anything.

She's blind, everything is now a complete blur. She moves her hands around the floorboard.
"Damion." Her voice is frantic.
She hears no reply, where's Damion?
He's gone, someone took him.

Just as Red makes this sudden realization, the lights all around her go off. It's pitch black, Red was able to see a little light through the blur but now she can't. Fear is coursing through her body. Red tries to get up but she's too weak. Her bones suddenly ache and her body is sore.

Loud whispers all around her began to fill her head. She heard the sound of footsteps approaching the room. As the footsteps crept closer she heard the sound of a shallow breathe. Time seemed to speed up and the next thing Red knew, she was being dragged out of the house.

Red was extremely vulnerable and alone. There would be no way to get herself out of this mess. She was hopeless and powerless. This had to be some sort of trick by Damion, she thought. It couldn't be though, whatever happened to her also happened to Damion.

The painful sensation of being dragged across the ground stopped when Red was thrown into a room. She heard the horrible metallic sound of a gate being shut in front of her. She was trapped, because of her lack of body movement she appeared to be a lifeless body lying on the floor. Blood trickled from her mouth and that's when she knew she was about to be dead. She closed her eyes and that's when she heard the screaming.

Her eyes shot back open. The scream begged for mercy. The scream sounded quite familiar to Red. That's when a painful realization hit her. It was Damion, he was being tortured.

Red couldn't do anything at all. All she could do was cry at the sound of his cries as they echoed throughout her room. Poor, defenseless, little Red Riding hood. She had given up everything just so that she could end up here. Vulnerable, Powerless, and weaker than she had ever been before.

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