Chapter 4

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Damion takes Red away from her home, without giving her the slightest hint of where they are heading. Damion had his arm linked around Red's and they silently ventured forward into the woods.
"Where are we going?" She asked him curiously. He chuckles and laughs at her question.
"You don't need to know that. Well, for now at least. For now, just enjoy the scenery." He says humbly.

What scenery? She wanted to say. They were surrounded by nothing trees and shrouded in the darkness of the night. The only light they seemed to receiving was the light coming moon. Damion stopped in the midst of the trees. He unlinked his arm from her's and faced her.

He flashed a bright smile at Red before walking behind her and covering her eyes. "I have a surprise for you." He whispers into her ear. Red can't help but grin at his words.
"And what is that?" Red says softly.

"Hello, darling." Red hears a female voice say. Red's grin instantly turns into a frown.
Damion removed his hands away from Red's eyes to reveal a woman standing before her."Who is this?" She asks Damion."My mother, she couldn't wait to meet you." Damion tells her.

Red took a closer look at Damion's mother. She looked far too young to be anyone's mother. She had silky caramel skin. Her eyes were a bright emerald green. Red couldn't help but notice that Damion's mother shared a resemblance to a queen.

She had been so mesmerized by his mother's beauty, she hadn't uttered a word since his mother had arrived.
"I'm Avaline." His mother greeted her. Red's curiosity began to grow, she wondered why his mother was here at all."I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, but why are you here." Red says nicely.

She took Red's hands into her's and them in her palms."I must teach you an important lesson." Avaline says in a serious tone."And what is that?" Red asks her."Come with me Lilith. You stay here, Damion." Avaline tells them.

Damion is immediately ready protest but his mother gives him a stern and disapproving glance.He quickly retreats the thought and stays silent. Avaline walks Red over to the back of the trees to a large steaming white hot cauldron.Red stares at the metal pot in confusion."Are you some sort of witch?" Red asked her. Avaline laughs at the question.

"Something like that." She tells Red.
Avaline grabs a large wooden spoon from the side of the cauldron.
"What are you doing?" Red asks her.
"Phase one of the lesson is about to began. Or step one, is what my son likes to call it." Avaline answers.

Red's the thoughts traced back to the day she first met Damion, well big bad wolf Damion. She had then remembered what he told her.
"The first step to becoming the person you desire you must forget everything about your old self and become the thing that everyone fears." He had told her.
What was Avaline possibly going to do to make that happen.
"Look into the cauldron, my darling." Avaline had told her.

Daringly, Red looked into the pot of bubbling hot fizz. At first she had saw nothing and then a picture started to appear. It was her grandmother's house. What was going on?
She had know idea, she'd just have to find out for herself. It was past midnight, so her grandmother was asleep at this time.

The view of the house remained outside. Red noticed tiny little sparks appearing around her home. Red sparks, fire, red thought to herself.
A painful realization hit Red in the pit of her stomach.
"You're trying to kill my grandmother." She gritted her teeth.

Evey bone I'm Red's body felt like it was engulfed in flames from anger.
Without taking another look at the cauldron, Red ran. She ran as fast as could, she wanted to save her grandmother, although her attempt would all be in vain. Red ran through bushes and trees.

She could hear the sound of someone following her in the distance, it was Damion. A sudden rush of pain hit Red and she fell to ground. She sighed her fingers deep into the soil of the earth. Damion grabbed her roughly and picked her up off the ground.
"You're evil, you and your mother." She snarled at him.

He got up in her face.
"We have a deal and your not breaking it now. This is step one and you're going through this." He yelled at her. He lets go of Red, letting her fall back to the ground.

"You promised me you would leave my family alone." She spat out.
"Well sometimes promises have to be broken in order to make things happen!" Damion yells.
"You're a pathetic, worthless monster that deserves to die." She tells him.

A hint of anger flashed in his eyes, he crouches down beside Red with a daring smile on his face.
He caresses her face and stares into her eyes. He then puts his lips to her ear and softly whispers
"If I am that, then what does that make you." Red fell silent and Damion got from beside her without uttering a single word. She laid there on the cold hard ground.

As Damion walked away from her, she silently found herself whispering.
"It makes me the victim." She whispered.
"It makes me the victim." She repeated to herself. Damion and his mother had got what they both wanted, she never knew anyone who could be so cruel and heartless. Not until these last few days that had passed. Not until she had met Damion and his mother, that's when she saw it for herself.

4. A major/minor character enters the story.

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