Chapter 5

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If Red had never met Damion's mother, maybe her grandmother would still be alive. Anger had reached a boiling point for her. She was stroked with both grief and anger. She should've never agreed to any of this. As a matter of fact, she should've been so eager in the first place. This all could've been avoided if she had just done that in the first place.

Instead of going back to Damion and his mother, She fled from outside the woods and ventured towards the path that led her to her grandmother's house. Although it seemed like a hopeless journey that would be all in vain, she couldn't help that fact that there might be just a small probability that her grandmother was alive. The only thing she was holding on to was her hope and her determination. She felt the burning sensation of tears running down her face as she ran.

She ran until until she saw black smoke coming from the direction of her grandmother's house. She stood there, frozen with fear and unable to move forward. She feared for what she might see in the house. She took a quick breath, wiped the tears away and headed towards the charcoaled house. Whatever she might see she had to face it, despite how gory and horrific it might be.

Red ran towards the house and opened the door. When she stepped into the house, the floorboards instantly creaked at the weight of her feet. Then she saw her grandmother, that's when the tears returned. She fell to her knees and covered her mouth with her hands to silence her cries. As sadness rushed over her, so did anger and pain.

Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest. Her grandmother was all that she had left, and now everything had been officially taken away from her. She had nothing left, because of that wretched old hag and her son. Red picked herself from off of the floor and walked towards her grandmother. Bones peaked out from under the grotesque of burned flesh and melted skin.

Red wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She couldn't though, her cries had already strained her voice. She was unable to speak, unable to move, her new fate seemed inevitable. She fell back down the floor. The fumes from the smoke filled itself in her nostrils. She'd rather stay here and die than to go back to Damion.

She closed her eyes, letting one small tear fall from her cheek. Weakened and exhausted by grief and anger, Red fell asleep. The emotional feelings had been too overwhelming for her. Red literally felt as if her whole world had been engulfed in flames. Technically, her life had been engulfed in flames.

Red had awoken to the pitter pattering sound of water dripping from a faucet. She was no long lying on the hard, wooden floor of her grandmother's old hut. She was no lying in the comfort of a warm bed with satin sheets. She was also no longer wearing her elegant red dress but no a silky white night gown. Red looked at the end of her bed and there he stood at the bedroom door.

Damion no longer had his signature wide-eyed smirk on his face. Instead his face had more of a concerned expression. He walked slowly towards her bed and sat at the end of the bed. He sighs deeply, "I'm sorry "Damion tells her. "No, you can't apologize to me." Red starts.

"Not after what you just did." Red finishes. "I honestly didn't want this to happen. My mother pushed me into, I had truly believed in what she was doing at first. I didn't realize it was wrong, not until it was too late." Damion explains.

"I should've never agreed to this, you hurt me. Honestly, I think you don't. Even care, all you want is power." Red tells him.

"That's not the only thing I care about. I do care about you and I am willing to prove that to you." Damion tells her. "If you really did care about me, you wouldn't have let your mother do that." Red told him. "I can make it up to you." Damion says aloud.

"Whatever you plan on doing, It could never make up for the fact that my grandmother's dead because of your mom!" Red exclaims. "What if I convinced my mother to resurrect her?" Damion asks her. Red looked at him, there was a long pause of silence before she finally said something.
"You can do that?" She asks him in disbelief. "I can, for you." Damion replies.

Although Damion knew how much risk he was putting himself in, he still found himself willing to do this for Lilith. He never completely understand the line between right and wrong. Not until now, not until his mother had did what she had done to Lilith. He was finally beginning to understand it for himself. He was changing, for the better.

Little Red And The Wolf (Once Upon A Twisted Fairytale)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ