Chapter. 3

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Red looked directly into the eyes of Damion. She had to admit, she had never seen anyone as efficient as him. The way he moved and the way he talked seemed to go all smoothly and quickly without any effort. Red became mesmerized at the sight of his blue piercing eyes. Damion seemed to be basking in the light of the candles.

Damion traced the contour of red's face with tip of his index finger. "What do you want with me?" Red asks him. "I want you to be my Queen, love." Damion told her. Red scoffs. "Who do you think you are Damion?" Red asks him."You don't remember me. Such a shame darling, and it's only been a day since I last saw you." Damion tells her.

"A day?" Red says in confusion.
"You seriously have no memory of yesterday." Damion told her.
Then it all began to click, Red looked directly at Damion. "The Wolf." She said in utter disbelief.
"You are correct my darling." Damion clarifies. Red backs away from Damion. "Get away from me." She demands.

'I'm afraid I cannot do that until I have an answer from you. Will you or will you not be my Queen?" Damion walks up closer to red. "No." Red let out in a harsh tone. "No?" Damion said in confusion. Red was terrified about the next move he would make. "Let me rephrase this as nicely as I can. You say yes to becoming my Queen and if you say no, there will be consequences." Damion tells her.

"What kind of consequences?" Red asked frighteningly. "I'll kill your whole family. Imagine how difficult it would be for you to explain such a tragic incident. Of course everyone would believe that some way some how that the Incident would be all your fault." Damion tells her.

"You're an atrocious beast." Red told him. "What does that make you Lilith?" He asks her. You're no different from me. Just look at yourself in the mirror. " Damion moved to the side so that instead of facing him, Red was looking into a mirror. Red grimaced at the sight of her reflection.

She no longer saw the sleekness of brunette hair. She no longer saw the bright little rosiness that were on her cheeks. Everything about her had seemed to change in a blink of an eye. "Why do I look like this?" She asked aloud. "It's your true new form, my darling." Damion told her. Red looked at the reflection of Damion in the mirror.

His look also changed. Damion was more horrific and grotesque looking than Red herself. Red turned to face Damion. "You did this to me!" She exclaimed. "What exactly did i do to you darling?" Damion asked her. "Turn me into this...thing! i look like a hideous beast." Red tells him. "You shouldn't be blaming me for anything, you simply be thanking me." Damion tells her. "Why should i be thanking you? Because of you i look like a monster." Red replies.

"Calm down my darling. The reason you should be thanking me is because i'm about to give you what you've always wanted. A name for yourself, power, respect and even wealth, my dear." Damion answers. Damion took both of Red's hands and stroke them gently with his thumbs. "Who are you Damion? Who are you to everyone in this form?" Red asks him.

"I'm a king, my darling. A very powerful one at that." Damion tells her. "What do you want with me? Why are you so eager to make me yours?" Red asks him. "Because i need someone like you at my side. Strong, determined, and fierce. Come with me now my darling and i promise you that all of your wishes will be granted." Damion tells her. Red stared at Damion and his eyes began to glimmer in the light of the candles. They shined and shifted from red to blue. Red had never seen anything like that before.

Red was drawn to Damion's shadow. His shadow showed that his contour was starting to change. "Come with me, darling." Damion tells her. His voice was starting to change, starting to sound more wolf like. Then Red said the words that she thought she would never hear in her in her life. "I'll go with you, only on one condition" Red told him. "And what condition is that?" He asked her. "You leave everyone i know and love alone, leave even the people i don't know alone. They're innocent and they shouldn't be apart of any of this." Red answer.

Damion gave Red a little smirk before putting out his hand for her to reach. Red hesitated for a moment before taking his and in hers and shaking it. "We have a deal my darling." Damion tells her. Deep down Red felt like she had just made a deal with the devil himself. A deal that she would be bounded to for the rest of her life. Although she felt as if she had just made the most terrible mistake in her life her life she knew that she had no other choice, it was either everyone else or herself.

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