Chapter 2

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Red woke up to the unbearable pain of claw marks that had been carved into the flesh at her side. She was lying on the hard ground. Her white dress and her red cape had been caked in blood and dirt. She was lucky to be alive. especially after the monstrosity that had attacked her.

Red picked herself up slowly off the ground, she winced at the sudden jolt of pain that shot up at her side. She could feel burning tears in her eyes, she closed her eyes and blinked back the tears. What had she gotten herself into? She should've just kept moving and ignored the wolf from the start. No one could know about this, not even her grandmother. It might be difficult for her to cover up the attack, but she knew what she had to do and she knew she could do it.

It was now morning, she would go home and wash up. Than she would lie in bed and tell everyone that she wasn't feeling well. Red was planing to stay in bed all day. She needed a day, only a day to regain her strength and energy. The pain may not go away but she couldn't just stay in bed for a week, that would cause suspicion.

One small step at a time. Red ventured forward and continued her walk, she hadn't arrived home to her little cottage until mid afternoon. Like she had planned, she cleaned herself up. Despite the pain she was in, she knew that if she didn't clean herself it would just make the open wounds on her body much more worse. After bathing, Red decided it was time for her to go to bed.

Red slowly crawled into her warm bed and closed her eyes. The pain was still there. It seemed like the pain wasn't trying to go away at all. It was like it wanted to stay there, just to remind her how stupid she could be at times.
Why had she been so eager? Red wished she could dig herself  a hole and crawl into so that she could escape the world. She never thought she could be so eager and desperate for anything.

  She felt as if she had truly lost all of her dignity. Red's neck started to hurt, she flinched at the sudden jolt of pain that traveled up her neck. The flinch caused pain to shoot up Red's thigh, what was wrong? Red got up from her bed to check her wounds. Blood was oozing from her neck and thigh, it didn't look normal. Her blood seemed to go from red to sickly looking shade of black.

   The sight of her own blood made her sick, she felt like she was going to through up. At first she thought, and then she knew. Red ran towards her door opened it, she stood outside and threw up on the ground. That didn't look right either, it was also black. The wounds, they somehow helped caused this to happen. 

    What did that wolf do to her? Red had no idea. All she knew was that she was in pain, terrible and excruciating pain. Red fell to her knees and onto the ground. Every muscle in her body became unmovable.  Red felt like she had been poisoned, maybe she had been poisoned. 

    Somehow the wolf managed to poison her with his fangs and claws. Did they contain a poisonous venom? It was most likely that they did. Red felt like she was about to die because of how unbearable and excruciating the pain was. She thought about the whole dilemma, dying because of greed and power. Maybe Red deserve the pain that she was enduring, this is probably fate.

   Red started to sweat and her head began to spin, the death of 'Little Red' She would get her wish. Everyone would remember her name. Red laid her head on the ground, she felt herself slowly falling out of consciousness. Red started to close her eyes, she tried to keep herself up but she couldn't. Red laid flat on the ground unconscious.

   When Red woke up, she was no longer home. It was now nighttime and dark outside. The pain was now but was replaced by the feeling of cold air around her. Red looked down at herself and saw that she was no longer wearing her night gown but was wearing a big red dress. The dress was fit for princess probably even a queen. Her lips felt weird, Red touched her lips and felt the gloss of lipstick on her lips.

Who had done this to her, she didn't mind the clothing, it's just that Red felt violated. Red looked around her and no was no where to be found. Although  she had no idea where she was, she started walking home. Luckily, this time she was really close. Her lights were on and her door was open.

  Red hesitated before she finally walked through the door. The house had been decorated, Red walked into her small kitchen to see a man sitting at a table. He was sipping from a glass cup and he seemed to be waiting for her. He put the glass down and looked directly at her with a smirk on his face. "Hello Lilith, I've been expecting you." The man told her.

"Who are you?" She asked him. "Excuse my my manners." The man told her. He got up from his seat and kissed her on the hand. "Lilith, it is wonderful to see you again in person. I never got the chance to officially introduce myself, I'm Damion." He told her.

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