CHAPTER 24; Greif

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Draco's POV
The second I woke up I went to make breakfast. I left Hermione to sleep because.......well she's gonna need it. As I entered the kitchen the were 2 letters on the table all addressed to Me and Hermione. I grabbed the first one which had messy writing on the envelope it read.

Dear Mooney and Slitherus,
I hope your both all right. Mooney I'm so sorry about your Mum and Dad I only heard it on the radio. We want to meet. Meet myself and Padfoot at 'The Castle' we'll meet you by the rubble staircase at 3 o'clock tomorrow.

Prongs and Padfoot

I had no clue what the hell they met nor what castle they were talking about so I moved onto the second letter.

Hermione, Draco, listen.
We're running out of time. We have received information that Harry and Ron are in the Forest of Dean please check on them we heard that they only escaped the Deatheaters a few days ago. They'd be safer with you 2. Hermione I'm so so sorry but you won't be able to attend your parents funeral. Your smart I know that you already know why.

Stay safe. Stay hidden. Stay together
From Remus Lupin.

"Draco?" I turned around to see Hermione standing there. "Mione" "What's that your holding?" "You need to see this Mione. You really do..........."
Hermione's POV
I walked up the steps of 'The Castle' basically it's this old ruin in Cromwell that Harry, Ron and I founded. We put enchantments on it whenever we left so only authorised people could see it. "Mione" it was Harry's voice I turned around to see him and Ron standing there I rushed into Harry's arm and began to bawl. Ron and Draco just stood there. After a few minutes I turned and hugged Ron. "Mione, I'm so so so sorry. How are you doing" I sniffled "ok but I can't go to the funeral" "why not?" "Well Mum and Dad die thinking they were Jimmy and Lucy Green not Mr and Mrs Granger when they died they didn't remember me they didn't even know I existed" "oh". "Guys sorry to break this up..." It was Draco "but we need to talk. Lupin said that you and Ron only barely escaped capture a day or two ago care to explain?" "Listen we're sorry ok Ron and I were talking and I said you know who's name but it's tabooed Deatheaters now track down whoever says his name" "But Harry you have to be careful" "Don't you think I know that Malfoy!" "Harry! His name is Draco and shut up all of you! Harry, Ron. Lupin has asked us to take you in so we are but you have to follow our rules okay!" "Fine" they all said at the same time. Everyone grabbed on to my hand and I apperated back to Barton on sea.

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