CHAPTER 22; Love

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3rd person POV

Hermione woke up to see Draco twirling her hair. "Draco?" "Hey Mione" he whispered with a smile on his face. Hermione sat up and stretched "what happened?" "Well, last night you had a nightmare, I heard you screaming from my room so I came to keep you company." "Are you wearing a shirt?" "Nope, why don't you like what you see Granger?" "Annnnnnd moment over". Hermione jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom.
Draco's POV

I heard the shower turn on so I jumped out of bed, went into my own room, got changed and went to make a special breakfast for Hermione...........

Hermione's POV

I jumped out of the shower and used a spell to dry my hair. I walked over to my bag and picked out a white tank top and a black skirt and got changed. I entered the kitchen to find Draco making pancakes so I went over and kissed his cheek. "Good morning chef Draco. What's on the menu this morning?" "Hello Ms Granger. This morning I will be serving pancakes with Nutella and a forest berry smoothie". "Yummy!" I sat down just as Draco put a huge stack of pancakes on the table as well as the jar of Nutella, cutlery and the smoothies. We sat in silence as we ate and cleaned up then I made an announcement "I think we should move". "Whadda you mean 'move'?" "I mean we should find a different campsite. Preferably near an English town so I can stock up on food and supplies". "Sure!" I dug through my bag and read through the map of England I brought with me "I've got it we're going to camp in the forest surrounding Barton on sea" "Brillant Mione" Draco kissed me "No Draco you don't understand" "what?" "The town is so remote that nobody would be able to find us. We could spend the day on the beach and in the little village and eat ice cream" "Then what are we waiting for?" We packed up the tent and took down the enchantments I the took Draco's hand and apperated to Barton on sea......

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