CHAPTER 20: Wedding

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Hermione's POV
Harry was the last up it didn't surprise me since he and I had that huge conversation last night. I ate a slice of toast, took a shower, styled my hair, put my makeup on and changed into my scarlet dress. I walked out of the bedroom and into the main part of the tent Draco came over and kissed me but Ron interrupted is when he walked into the room "Morning lovebirds" "morning Ron" I answered back. Last night was Ron and Harry's last night with myself and Draco they were due to stay at the Burrow for a few weeks after today. Once Harry was ready we all left the tent and I packed it up. I lifted the enchantments and we all apperated to the Burrow. Everyone was rushing everywhere Mrs Weasley was up with Fleurs mother getting the food ready, Mr Weasley was setting enchantments, Ginny was rushing around picking up every piece of litter and the twins were de-gnoming the garden. Lupin was the only person who greeted us. He shook Draco's, Harry's and Ron's and I gave him a huge hug. Draco and I interlocked hands and went out to take our seats. We were seated in the front row in between  Harry and Mr Weasley. The ceremony was so beautiful I actually cried when Fleur and Bill said their vows. After the ceremony the party was crazy!!!! But, when Bill and Fleur were dancing a huge ball of light crashed into the room Kingsley Shacklebolts voice was booming around the room "the ministry has fallen, the minister for magic is dead. They're coming! They're coming!" There was mass panic everyone was apperating I saw Harry and Ron apperate and I went looking for Draco. When we reached each other I apperated to the Burren Co.Clare in Ireland. "Mione, where are we?" "The Burren, Co.Clare in Ireland. Mum and Dad brought me here last Summer". I sent up the tent and put up the enchantments. "Mione, who was that persons voice" "what do you mean?" "Ya know, coming out of that ball of light?" "Oh! That was Kingsley Shacklebolt he works for the Ministry but he's a member of the Order of the Pheonix." "What's the Order of the Pheonix?" "It's a secret society fighting against Voldemort. I'm part of it. Right now everyone has to protect Harry if something happens to him we're doomed"...............

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