Chapter 2; Potions

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Hermione's POV
Surprisingly everyone took it well but, it brought out the protective side in Harry he made Draco promise he would never hurt me. Walking though the corridors of Hogwarts is no longer weird. Draco and I are teaming up for potions now I so happy to have the weight of  keeping our relationship a secret off my shoulders.

3rd person POV
Hermione and Draco walked into potions class. Professor Slughorn welcomed everyone and began explaining the way the class was going to go once they got their instructions the pairs began making the potion: Draught of living death.

Draco's POV
Hermione is like lightening within seconds she's putting the cauldron over the flame. "Draco can you hand me that jar?" She pointed to the jar nearest to my hand I handed it to her and watched her work her magic (literally)!

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