CHAPTER 32; Final Goodbyes

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3rd person POV
Everyone surrounded the 3 graves. Hermione looked down, Georges arms were around her shoulders and Harry was holding her hand. Mrs Weasleys cry was haunting. There is no sound worse then the cry of a grieving mother. People began to disapperate soon only the Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, Draco, all the members of the Order and Professor McGonagall were left standing there. "Everyone, I think we should go". Everyone nodded and gave final hugs to Molly and the rest of the Weasleys. Hermione took Teddy in her arms and walked over to Draco "I agreed to be his Godmother there's no godfather so I'm Teddys official guardian" she explained. A grin spread across Draco's face "he's gorgeous". With that they interlocked arms and apperated home......................................

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