CHAPTER 11; Harry

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Harry's POV
Everyone began to file into the great hall as usual all the teachers were already at the table so I didn't bother looking them. Myself and Ron sat across from Ginny and Neville. Ginny face looked really pale. "Um, Gin are you feeling alright your gone all pale?" "Harry, don't freak out ok but look up at the teachers table at the centrt left right there". Ginny pointed me towards them. Hermione and Draco. I don't hate Hermione I'm just mad at her she joined HIS side. Dumbledore got up an began giving the usual beginning of year speech and then he got on to teachers "I would like to welcome 2 new members of staff our very own Professor Draco Malfoy and the brillant Professor Hermione Granger. They are student Professors and will be taking some of your classes. Now, let the feast begin". I stared at Hermione but couldn't catch her eye she was too busy talking to professor McGonegal. No doubt she would be taking over potions Hermione's always loved it. I don't know what subject Malfoy will be taking but I bet I'll fail it. Is it just a coincidence that they'll be preparing us for our N.E.W.T exams. I don't care I'll just enjoy my last start of year feast at Hogwarts.....

After the feast
Hermione's POV
I was given the task of taking care of the Gryffindor first years so I walked over to the table head held high and gathered them up avoiding my ex-best friends gaze. I escorted the first years up to the common room and gave them the usual briefing. Just as I made my way out Ginny, Neville, Ron and Seamus blocked my path. "Excuse me". Harry patted my shoulder "Hermione what are you doing here?" "I'm a professor now I thought that it was clear" Ginny approached me "Mione why did you run off with Him?" "What do you think your doing?" Everyone turned around to see Malfoy standing there" Ron automatically said "Why would we tell you Malfoy?" "Excuse me Mr Weasley but myself and Ms Granger are Professors now so you should show us some respect and what do you all think your doing? Ambushing a professor like that Mione is your friend". Draco exited and I followed him then Ginny grabbed onto my arm ripping my sleeve where the dark mark was. I heard Ginny gasp. "What is that?" I turned around Ron had seen the mark." I turned around "10 points from Gryffindor" and walked off covering my arm. Draco walked me to my room in the potions classroom and kissed me goodnight. I opened the door and threw myself onto the bed and began to cry. My friends hated me. I had betrayed them. How would I last for 1 year?

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