CHAPTER 18; four

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Draco's POV
I woke up to find Hermione having tea with Harry and Ron. When did they get here??? I heard them talking so I stayed as quiet as possible but Hermione must have seen me wake up because she came over and began talking to me "Draco, Harry and Ron have joined us. I hope you don't mind. We'll all be in the run together until the wedding in 3 weeks then Harry and Ron will leave us alone I promise. But I you don't want them to stay...." I thought for a second I really wanted this time to be just for me and Mione but how could I ask her to leave her friends after all I've put her through? "Sure they can stay." Hermione's smile was huge! She kissed me and ran over to Harry and hugged him and then the same with Ron. I got up and walked over to Harry and Ron. WOW! Did I just call them Harry and Ron! Not Potthead and Weaselbee! I'm so proud of myself. I walked over to Harry and Ron and began apologising for everything "listen guys I'm sorry for everything but can you blame me?" "No problem Mal...Draco Ron and I don't blame you your just a rich git" I laughed "oh! I'm a rich git eh?" I heard Hermione sniff behind me "Mione what's up?" "All 3 of you are so pathetic! You guys really call THAT an apology?" All four of us laughed and had a fun night laughing and joking and talking about when we first met and about well........everything.

For better or for worseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt