Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I finished curling my straight hair an hour ago and now it’s just wavy. My hair does not like being curled: never has, never will. Besides my hair I’m pretty happy with the way I look. My eye liner and long eye lashes make my light brown eyes pop making me look more exotic than I actually am. Slowly, I take a step back and let myself take in what I look like. Under my nice white jacket I have a purple flowy top on that shows just the right amount of cleavage without making me look like a slut. With my purple flowy top I managed to find my favorite black skinny jeans that are so worn in that they fit me perfectly in all the right spots. I look good. I’m all done up but I still look natural. Mission accomplished!

I look around for my favorite pair of converse but I can’t find them. I check in the closet and they aren’t on the shoe rack that I took the time to organize when my little brother managed to loose Dodi in my room and ransacked my whole closet to find her but found her sleeping under one of my pillows. Needless to say I found one of her quills in my pillow one unfortunate night. I ran over to my bed and looked at the mound of shoes all stuffed under there. I began pulling them all out one by one until I found the left converse. Now to find the right. It took me ten whole minutes to find the right and when I finally did I was exhausted. Immediately I slipped them on and then waited.

I unlocked my new phone that I just got when my family upgraded their plans and I checked my text message. I got two:

From Caitlyn: == Have you seen my blue top with the gold stitching? I lost it somewhere. – C ==

From Andrew: == Please dress warm this time! I’m on my way. ==

                I smile at Andrew’s text message but roll my eyes at Caitlyn’s. She probably forgot that shirt at her apartment and thought she brought it over here. I lock my phone and lay down on my bed letting the jitters of a date freak me out a little bit. Pre-date jitters seem to calm me in a weird way. I smile as I unlock my phone once again and stare at the picture that Andrew took of us. I’m smiling awkwardly while he’s making a goofy face. It’s kind of freaking hilarious.


                The doorbell makes me jump. Yes we have one of those generic doorbells because my mother loves and thinks it’s just ‘way to cute to mess with’. Her words not mine. I glance at myself in the mirror just to make sure I look fine and then I slowly make my way downstairs. In reality, all I want to do is run downstairs and open the door and leave the house as soon as possible. After what seems like an hour I open the front door and if I had any lack of self-control my jaw would have fallen down past through the floor boards and into the basement. Thank god for self-control.

                “Hey,” I smile at him trying not to seem like a dork.

                Andrew smiles down at me, “Hey… I got you these.” He hands me a bouquet of… Fruit? Fruit shaped as flowers. That’s a first. I look at him confused and he chuckles nervously, “I don’t know your favorite flower so I didn’t want to screw that up so I got you a bouquet of fruit flowers?”

                I look down at the flowers and pluck off a strawberry flower. I look at it for a second and then take a bite. Slowly I chew, savoring the taste of a fresh strawberry. Finally when I’m done I look up at him with a blank face which I can only keep for a split second before beaming at him. Relief fills his face as he looks down at me, “What took you so long? I was literally holding my breath.”

                I shrug and smile, “Well… One you could have asked me and two… That strawberry flower was way too delicious to just swallow. I wanted to savor it.”

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