'I also heard you said it was an accident when the policeman brought you to our house. The thing is, Gracious Gardens isn't fully insured yet, I'm working on it but I'm a busy man. Listen, I don't want to pay other men to do the job when I know you can do it as your punishment. Do you get what I'm saying?' He arches an eyebrow and leans in closer to Roberto, his elbows on the table.

'So, our deal is still on?' Lucas nods, which elicits a small smile from Roberto. Scratches the back of his neck and says, 'Uh, what I was not aware of was Bobbi working with me. When we spoke before starting the work, I thought you meant she will check in on me from time to time. She just come to me and say I meet her at your shop and uh, I find out by that, that she's working with me. I mean, she come and start screaming at me, hitting me, threatening me... I thought it was just me working in the shop until you said it to me after.' He hopes he isn't rude. 'I'm sorry for misunderstanding.' That should make things better.

Lucas shakes his head as a means of dismissing his apology - there's no need. 'I should have been clearer. My mind was a mess at the time. Plus, Bobbi was just so stubborn to work on the flower shop that I gave in. I did explain to her that this was your punishment but she's not going to stop. She doesn't give up on things she's passionate about.' He smiles, thinking of Olivia; Bobbi got her stubbornness and strong passion for Gracious Gardens from her.

'Thank you, Mr Thompson-'

'Please, call me Lucas,' he assures him with a warm smile.

An eyebrow raised, Roberto says, scratching his cheek, 'Oh, I don't know about that. I don't feel like I have your respect to call you by your first name. I haven't earned that respect, I not sure I can. But thank you for giving me a second chance. You won't regret it, sir.'

Lucas smiles. Prefers everyone to call him by his first name, but he can't force anyone to.

'If only Bobbi's boyfriend was like that when I first met him,' he jokes and laughs.

They stand simultaneously and shake hands. The moment Lucas opens the dining room door to escort Roberto out, Bobbi is back, leaving Nick with a peck on the cheek before he's off. She watches her father's face carefully for any sign that he was calling the police station, but couldn't find any. Lucas walks into his office as Roberto heads for the door.

Bobbi keeps her eyes on him suspiciously. She couldn't trust him at all. She thought he would probably try steal something if she wasn't there, but Roberto keeps his hands in his jacket pockets and smiles at her. His smile makes her heart race – but not in a good way. God no! She has a bad feeling about that smile. It is almost an evil smile and she wonders what's going to happen next. By the door frame, Roberto brushes pass her slowly. He stops so they're chest to chest and his eyes shine mischievously. The edge of his left lip slowly stretches up into a lopsided smile.

'I'll see you tomorrow at half-five, Gold, 'cause I'm back baby,' he whispers in a teasing tone, remembering her words to him, and he winks wickedly before he saunters off.

He may have thought Bobbi would sulk and complain, but she's relieved that she can return to the shop.

For the first two weeks of work in Gracious Gardens, minus the mishaps and disagreements -Bobbi would rather put it- decent work has been done. The outside of the shop is cleaned up, the old counter and other bits of wood laying around are in dumping skips, and the window and door is painted and polished. It was a good outlook for a couple of days work. Maybe they worked hard to quicken the pace and be out of each other's way soon, however, putting that aside, so far it has been going well.

The next day they're back in the flower shop, but there seems to be a change of atmosphere. The air feels thicker and tension is high, but they push pass that and stand idly in the shop after yesterday's incident.

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