this is the end

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hello my wonderful readers ( well whoever is left) my name is Mandy and I am here to tell you that this poem collection must come to an end. the other day I was reading my old poems and looking through old comments and I relished something, my life is amazing. I have food on my table every night, I have clean fresh air to breath and I am not that sad little girl anymore. I am strong, I am important And I am special. that may sound conceded but why do I need pity commenters when I can figure out that by myself. writing these poems has made me feel so much better and it was kind of liberating after everything "bad" was happening. I am so thankful to anyone who has every even just read the title of this book and I am so thankful to you. everyone who has stuck by me even after 2 months of not updating (sorry btw). this is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to have done and I am just floored at the amount of support and kindness I got from this book. all of u are amazing don't let anyone tell u differently. you may be sad now but life goes on and it gets better. thank you to everyone who had supported me, you all helped me through this journey and I couldn't be more happy. thank you. so long and goodnight.

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