I fear

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If u guys don't know who this video is about, its about danisnotonfire and amazingphill on YouTube and they are one of my otps even tho they aren't actually together but they are so cute
So enjoy!
I'm afraid of a lot of things, but one of my worst fears is that someone will never look at me the way Dan looks at Phil. he looks at Phil like he's the only person who can make him happy and he looks like he's just in love with the person who's next to him. And that's why I'm so afraid, because I'm not good enough for someone to look at me like that.
Maybe it's because I'm ugly..
Or fat..
Or my personality doesn't fit the cut,
But does that really mean that someone can't just look at me and think that I'm an amazing person..
Or that I look great in the new hair style I tried out..
All people know about me is lies and I just feel like screaming..
And I fear that someone will look at me like Dan looks at Phil but just for the lies I tell about myself, and that's what scares me the most.. and I don't know what I'm supposed to do about...
And it hurts me everyday

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