Love sucks

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You know what sucks...
Love sucks for so many damn reasons.
You learn to love your friends, family, you get into relationships and you learn to love them. You learn to love pets, toys, books and fictional characters in those books. You learn to love everything around you. It sucks when everyone and everything leaves you, and then you have to learn how to forget all the inside jokes, all the fun and everything else that you guys went through together. It sucks having no one but it sucks even more having someone and then they leave you, like all you've ever been through means absolutely nothing to them. It sucks starting over and knowing that your time together... Or how you act together will never be the same.
It sucks having no one at all
I will go to my grave saying that love sucks but love is the only thing that really keeps you in the world.
Love is the only thing that shows us that people care.
Love is the most beautiful, miserable, stupid, yet smartest thing in the world.
I'm glad that love is in the world.
(Warning cringe ending up ahead)
Love is the closet thing we have to magic in this god forsaken world we live in.
Love sucks.
Yet we love anyway.
I missed you guys.

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