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Okay... i know i did this already with my poem "letter to E" but lets be honest that poem sucks ass so that poem will be deleted. So here is the new version of "letter to E" called message. Enjoy. 


Hey there, old friend. You look so blue, looking down at your shoes like there new. 

I don't know where to start so I'm just going to say that I care,

No trust me, I do.

I know its hard to believe because I'm the most negative person in the world but you mean more to me than you could ever know.

And its okay that you feel this way, but you got to be willing to let me help you.

Call me a hypocrite for saying that because when you were okay I didn't let you in,

But I learned to let you help me,

And now you wont even give me a chance.

That's dumb.

You know  I care when I'm willing to hear all your bullshit and still tell you that I love you everyday,

But there's a line that you cant cross and when you do I will be there to tell you, you are wrong.

I know that there is love and happiness in the world because i have experienced it,

And when you tell me different I don't like that,

Because you know in your heart that you have felt those emotions too, but something happened and you cant feel it anymore.

Do I sound a little rude or mean, well guess what that's called 



Get it through your head, its real and its right in front of you!!!!

Don't end something before it even started.

Your life is a precious, fragile thing

And it ends to fast,

So believe in a better day and I promise it will get better.

I got better because of you and I know you can get better because of me.

WeaknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora