Why I write

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You know that guy that gets bullied at your school, I write for him, so he knows that he always has someone to talk to and will understand.

You know that girl you saw walking home alone, I write for her, so she knows she's never alone.

All the outcasts, all the misunderstood, all the misfits and every single person who thinks that they are alone. you guys are my inspiration and I thank you guys everyday for letting me do this, something I love so much, all your comments and your votes, I love them. I just want you guys to know that you are never alone. I am here for you, because I love you, and nothing is going to change that.

So the next time you think or feel alone, read this, because I am always here for you. No matter what.

GUYS OH MY GOD IM DYING. I GOT ALMOST 900 READSSSS. OH MY GOD I CAN'T BREATHE. I LOVE ALL OF U SO MUCH. U ALL MEAN THE WORLD TO ME. THANK U GUYS. breathe.... Mandy.... breathe.... well c u in the next update : )

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