Chapter 6

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Kinsley's POV

I opened my eyes to a white bright light. Quickly shutting my eyes again I brought my hand up to my head.

"Where am I?" My voice barley a whisper. "You're at a hospital." A voice answered. I jumped not noticing the person.

I looked around and saw Jeff sitting on a window sill. I was almost relieved until I remembered where I was.

My eyes widened in terror. "What!?! No no no!! I have to get out of here, she'll kill me if she finds out!!" I screamed and pulled the cords out of my arm.

Jeff jumped off the window sill and advanced towards me. I hopped off the bed and went for the falling when there was a pain in my side.

Jeff crouched by me and lifted me bridal style back to the bed, and laid me on it.

"I can't stay here!" My voice was frantic. "She can't find out!" I yelled trying to get out of the bed again.

Jeff pushed me back down. Just then a tall man in a white coat walked in.

"Hi, I'm dr. Blake I'll be taking care of you. I was freaking out. I wrapped my arms round my knees and rocked back and forth.

Jeff sat over by the window again, hiding his face. I noticed he must have changed, because he no longer wore his blood stained white jacket.

~~~~time skip cause I'm lazy~~~~

They discharged me and luckily I convinced them I lived alone in my own apartment, and that my dad died when I was 2 and my mom died of cancer a few years ago.

If I went back to the house, I would surely get beaten badly. If I stayed away she would find me and it would be worse.

I walked up the stairs to the house and opened the door as quietly as I could. The door made no sound as I stepped into the musty house and a cold drift of air whizzed by.

"Kinsley!!! Where the fuck were you?!" My mother screamed from the living room.

I flinched at the sound of footsteps pounding on the hard wood floors coming closer to my position by the door.

She walked in and punched me in my gut, sending me to the floor gasping for air.

My hair was yanked bringing me back up as I let out a whimper. My head was thrown into the wall and I was on the floor again, black dots spotting the sides of my vision threatening to consume me into darkness.

She kicked me repeatedly in the ribs, rebraking as well as cracking some new ones.

I bit back screams knowing it would only make it worse. I bit my tongue until a coppery taste filled my mouth.

When she walked back into the living room with her drink I just laid there trying to get the courage to stand up and make it to my room.

Jeff's POV

I had left before they discharged her to go talk to slender. I thought about following her but when I got back she had disappeared again.

I walked around a little more until I came upon a small house that looked old.

The doors green paint was chipped and the metal beneath had started to rust. The once with drainage pipe was brown and hanging off the roof that was covered in leaves and dead grass.

The small gravel path up to the cracked steps was gray. The houses paint was all chipped. The house look like a scene from a horror movie against the darkness of the trees behind it.

I heard whimpers coming from inside the house but dismissed it as a pet.

I heard a smash and a loud thump following with more whimpers and decided to check it out 

It took a minute to scale the wall high enough to see through a window without being seen my self.

What I saw angered me like nothing else had. She was on the floor in a ball holding her side.

My eyes turned pitch black as my brain clouded with anger and before I knew what I was doing I jump from the wall and ran towards the door.

😈😈👿👿😈👿😈👿😈👿😈👿😈👿OOOOOH what is Jeff going to do.  I guess you'll have to wait and find out. Bye peasants

Love or Death? (A Jeff The Killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now