Chapter 2

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Jeff's POV

I laughed as pulled out my blood covered knife in front of this girl. But she didn't look scared and wasn't screaming like anyone else. In fact she looked confused, curious and relieved at the same time. It was then that I really looked at her. She had long red hair, bright blue eyes, and fair skin.

She just looked at me waiting. I just stood there wondering why she wasn't running.

Kinsley's POV

He didn't jump at me like I thought he would. I just looked at him but I wasn't scared I was confused, why was he here now? Also a little curious as to who he was, completely ignoring the fact that he's most likely here to kill me.

He didn't move he just looked at me. It seemed like he was thinking about something. I tilted my head to try and get a look at his face and that's when he took his hood off and I finally saw his face.

A grin stretched across my face almost as big as his. His black hair was dead and fringed, he had a smile cut up his face, he had no eyelids just heavy black rings where the used to be. My smile stretched wider as I put two and two together.

I was standing in front of the Jeff the killer!!

I sat there with a stupid grin on my face while he just looked at me with confusion.

Jeff's POV

When I showed her my face hoping it would terrify  her, it had the opposite affect; she grinned a grin almost as big as mine. "Jeff?" She whispered. My face went from confused to shock. I've met "fans" before but in reality they were terrified of me.

I stood speechless all I could do was nod my head. Her grin only got bigger.

I snapped out of my trance and pulled my knife back out an prepared for her to realize and start running, but she just stood there her smile faltering just slightly.

Before I could react her eyes went wide with terror and she ran past me down the street. "No no no shit she's going to kill me" she kept muttering this as she ran.

Kinsley's POV

Realization hit me like a bullet when I remembered I had to go "home" if that's what you want to call personal hell.

My eyes widened and I ran past a shocked Jeff muttering to myself.

I ran down the street as fast as I could to try and get there as soon as possible.

I looked back and noticed Jeff had started running after me his knife gleaming in the night.

I mentally cursed myself for not remembering that the person I was with was an infamous murderer.

Before I knew what was happening I was tackled and a knife was held to my throat. Jeff stood over me and recited his famous phrase right before the kill. "GO TO SLE-" I interrupted him before I could finish. "No I have to get back or she'll ki-" I didn't finish my sentence before I realized maybe having a reason to not go back there is just what I need. "Ok never mind continue" I told him with confidence.

He just looked at me shocked. The sun was starting to appear and he got up and bolted for the woods leaving me on the hard gray concrete in the rising sun


Hey readers finally done with the second chapter. I'm really sorry for not updating sooner I've just been really busy but I'll try to update soon again also, I've got a general thought of how this story will go but if you have ideas for fillers and sturf let me know. Anyway I'm going to end this here baiiii!

Love or Death? (A Jeff The Killer love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz