3 // jealousy

586 19 7

(Y/S/D)=your Starbucks drink (because I'm that creative w/ acronyms)

You and Mark step in to your local Starbucks, and the warm atmosphere and smell of coffee hits you immediately.

You look up at the menu as Mark wraps his arms around your waist and puts his head on top of yours.

"What do you want Markimoo?" You ask. "I'll just have a grande vanilla latte" "Okay, do you want to save a seat?" He nods and walks off.

As you get to the counter, you see a cute guy at the counter giving you a smirk. His name tag said 'Seán' and he had brown hair with some green floof on top. He was smiling a bright toothy smile as he said "Top o' da mornin' ta ya! What can I get ye?" He had a perky, loud voice with a thick Irish accent. Cute. "Um..." You stuttered, a bit flustered. "I'll have a grande vanilla latte and (y/s/d), please" "That will be $7.35, and your number" he said in a low voice. "Erm...uh...-"

"She's taken, Thank you very much" said a low voice behind you, as a warm arm held you tightly around your waist. You look up to see your familiar red-floofed man with angry brown eyes staring at 'Seán'.

The barista didn't seem intimidated though. "Your name?" "(Y/N)". He nodded as he wrote your name on the cup, and with one final glare at Mark, went on to making your drink.

You turn around to Mark hugging you tightly. "Thank you my 'manly man'" you say with a smirk. "Hey, I am the manliest man you ever did man" he said, flexing his muscles. You giggled, but then you heard your name being called.

"Here you go!" Said 'Seán' in a merry voice. But when you reached for your drinks, he grabbed your wrist, pulled you in, and gave you a quick peck in the cheek. You pulled away, flustered. Then you hear a loud "HEY!" from the other side of the restaurant. You see an angry Mark stomp up right next you and grab the green Irishman by his collar, and boy did he look scared.

Mark pulled him in so their noses were almost touching. "Listen here mister" he said with a growl, "I don't know who you think you are, but (Y/N) is MINE and mine only. Don't you ever think about touching her again like that or I will kick your Irish butt so far into the Underground, not even Flowey or Sans can save your green-haired sorry excuse for a leprechaun."

At this point Seán looked quite confused and scared, and people were staring, so you decided to step in. "Mark, let's go" you say, tugging on his shirt. He angrily dropped Seán, grabbed the drinks, and stormed out. With a glare at Seán, you followed him.

Outside, he started kissing you roughly. Between kisses, he growled "Trust me, after tonight, I'll have you scream my name so loud, the whole city will know you're mine and they'll never mess with you again"

Ending got me like DAYUM.😏😂

If you didn't guess, Seán is actually Jacksepticeye, but I love him don't worry!! I just wanted to have some conflict between the two because why not?😂

...and yes, Undertale reference. Sue me. 😂😂

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