Chapter 34: Partying

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"Nik do you find this fair?" I said

Stefan and Damon and both keeping an eye on me at all times it's so annoying because I can look after myself

"No sweetheart but it's for your own good" he said I groaned

"First chance I get I'm outta here" I said getting up

"Ha if you even get the chance" Damon said

I went next to Damon and punched the wall next to him the plaster broke and a big hole formed

"That'll be your face next time" I said folding my arms

Knock knock

"Elena!" I said opening the door

"Val" she said

"Come on let's go to the grill Bonnie and Caroline are waiting in the car" she said excited

"Okay one second I need to get changed!" I whispered running up to get changed

"Wait in the car" I told her she nodded and went out

I walked down the stairs my heels clicking and clocking on the hard wooden floor

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I walked down the stairs my heels clicking and clocking on the hard wooden floor

I sneaked out so much for them being 'spies' I got into the car and Bonnie turned the music up

"Hell yeah!" I screamed and danced in the car

We partied all night Elena and I were driving from Caroline's to the boarding house because I told her to stay over

We were opening the door whilst laughing

"Shh Lena" I giggled

"Sorry" she said drunk shushing herself

We walked in and I threw the keys on the table at the side

I was too tired to go upstairs so I went into the parlour

"Damon" I said snorting of course they'd be sat here

"Where have you been?" He yelled

"Partying" I said falling onto the sofa next to Niklaus

"Hi Nik" I said giggling

"Sweetheart" he said nodding

At least he doesn't care

"Damon I'm tired please get me a blanket" I said yawning

"No" he said getting me one anyway

"Where's Stefan?" I asked

"That's why I'm sat down we don't know" he said I sat up

"What do you mean you don't know?" I yelled sobering up a little

"He's missing has been since you were gone"

I ignored their yelling and went upstairs to change

I ignored their yelling and went upstairs to change

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I quickly ran back down

"Let's go" I said picking my keys up

"Where" Damon yelled

"He's not here he could be anywhere and its late" Damon being Damon did that thing with his eyes it's almost as if he talks through his eyes

"Damon I am not sleeping until Stefan isn't home I don't care what happens either you come with me to find YOUR brother or I go alone" I emphasised your to make him understand family is family he should be looking for him

"Fine" I said opening the door

My breathe hitched in my throat in front of me Stefan with his hand around his neck

"What's wrong what happened?" Damon shouted as I hurriedly helped Stefan inside

"Mikael happend" I looked confused as hell

Niklaus shot up

"What?!" He yelled

Who's Mikael? And why has he gotten the most powerful hybrid in the world frightened?

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