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"If I can get you on your knees, you tell me about that tattoo." I pointed to the tattoo that wrapped around his wrist. I found it to be the most interesting with its simple words. I can't change.

He hesitated before answering but nodded in reply confident that it wasn't possible for me to get him into submission. "Deal."

I nodded getting into my fight stance. I eyed him watching any movements, learning about his body patterns throughout the time we trained together. I came up with a pattern of jabs and punches Harry had taught me. Going for my first jab I felt him push my hand away from his chest area which was where I was going for.

Making sure to keep my breathing steady I went for another strike towards his cheek. Countering that he took my wrist and chopped my arm at the joint of my elbow. Feeling a little pain surge up my arm I groaned out getting angrier. Determination powering my every move, I needed to be less sloppy.

Going with a different approach I lifted my leg for a roundhouse kick to the stomach to earn myself some distance. Harry had told me the points of all kicks were to create distance between you and the assailant. Catching my foot he pushed me back knocking me over once again. I was growing more irritated with not being able to cause any damage to Harry. All I wanted was to get him to his knees, I wanted to earn what Harry had said he would tell me.

He came in close again waiting for me to strike. Taking my left I went in for a strike but faked and hit with my right, hooking my fist into his ribs. I saw his face grimace when I forcefully smashed my fist into his ribs. Sweat formed on my forehead as I began to get into the groove of things.

Drawing his gun on me from is waistband I lifted my arms up in defense only to grab the barrel and turn my head from the centerline of the gun. In one swift motion, I used all my force to hit his hand away till my hand fit comfortably on the gun.

"Get down." I pointed the gun firmly in Harry's direction with determination in my expression. I felt good about what I had accomplished when I saw Harry back down onto his knees. Turning the gun in my hand I handed him the gun by holding the barrel. Taking it he stood up looking somewhat impressed at my efforts to get him to a place where he was out of options. "I believe you owe me an explanation," I smirked walking beside him.

"Why do you want to know me so badly?" He questioned, his eyes looking lighter in the bright sun shining above us.

The air was fresh and crisp in the summer season. The grass a bright shade of green underneath the brightly pigmented sun. I did enjoy the entire setting of Italy over Paris. Even though Paris was a posh and a beautiful city it didn't compare in my eyes to Florence.

Everything in Florence brought a more romantic mood to the atmosphere. If only Louis were here to run through the vineyards with me and go out into the city to see all the sites. This was only a dream of mine however since Harry had confined me to the perimeter of the house we resided in.

"I spend all my time with you and I don't even know where you are from or anything really for that matter." Harry sparked curiosity in me since he was so untelling with his emotions. He only showed one emotion and that was anger. He was hard to read or figure out because he only expressed irritated and angry emotions towards any situation. To me, he was only one dimensional.

"I read in your file that you become emotionally attached to people easily. I don't want that to happen with me. I don't want you to become attached to me." This grabbed my attention, especially the part about all this being in my file. This made me more curious as to what else was in this file, what else did others write about concerning me?

"Files aren't always accurate," I told him not sure of what else I could say on the matter. I didn't want to start up any arguments with him being more open with me. I could've told him that I could never become emotionally attached to someone like him but I refrained.

"That's just it princess, they are." I continued to walk around the yard with him. I liked the way he was slowly peeking open part of his thoughts to me.

"This is off the topic, you said you would tell me about your tattoo if I got you on your knees." I reminded him not wanting to talk about myself. I was more interested in what Harry had to say about himself, about the story that laid in the tattooed images.

He looked down at his wrist, sighing in heavily before parting his lips to say something. "I got it when I was 14." He started. I could tell he wasn't one for talking about these types of things to other people. "I was told my whole life that change for a person wasn't possible. We have sets of habits that make us who we are. I was told that I was who I was and I wasn't capable of change."

"Why not?" I asked stopping in sync with him when he turned to face me. I lost myself in his green eyes that we brighter under the sun.

"I am who I am Mia. Someone like me doesn't just change." He explained to me with only inches between us. My eyes tracked down to his lips as he spoke, the natural pink pigment drawing me in.

I don't know where these urges were coming from but they were dangerous. My lips begged me to be on his but every other bone in my body was resisting. I knew better than to feel that way towards Harry, I knew I couldn't feel that way towards Harry.

"Anyone is capable, you just have to be willing." My eyes not drawing away from his lips that were perfectly shaped. The heart shape of his lips complimenting the natural pink pigment of them.

"You may have the will but ultimately, change doesn't exist. No one can truly change who they are on the inside." The space between us was getting less and less when I noticed his eyes trailed down to my lips, similar to what I had done.

"You get what you put out in the universe." I was in a whispered tone now as our bodies acted like magnets to each other.

Everything in me was telling me to get closer, to indulge in the activity playing out before me. Everything but my mind. I knew this was a bad idea and yet everything else was going against my minds reasoning. The logic was being beaten by the body's urges to touch his lips on my own.

"I can't change who I am." Space almost none existent now. Our bodies against one another with our faces only centimeters away from each other. My eyes closing while I took in a breath ready to feel the sensation of his lips on mine. His hand running along the side of my waist causing my emotions to only heighten from there.

The time went slowly in the moments I waited for Harry to draw nearer to me. I waited to feel his skin on mine while my vision was zero. Eyes closed and body ready to feel him I was massively disappointed when I felt the space between the two of us become more distant. Opening up my eyes I saw him backing away from me as if he were agitated once again.

"I can't." He said taking in a heavy sigh while putting a hand through his curly brown hair. His eyes under a furrowed brow like always.

"Why not?" I asked him curious about his answer. I couldn't say that I wasn't disappointed by the outcome, my body yearned to be close to him.

"What do you mean why not?" He asked me, eyes darting to mine as if he were irritated by my question. Standing there like an idiot I recoiled and began to spiral out of the emotions I felt. The sexual tensions dying down from a few seconds ago when we were only centimeters apart from each other. "I could never touch you like that."

"Why are you so afraid to get close?" I stammered knowing that I should've not used the tone I did. I had found myself using a more demanding tone when I had been with Harry. I wasn't usually someone like that, I didn't demand anything from anybody.

"This session is done." Harry quit, walking away and leaving me alone outside to myself feeling utterly stupid.

-June 07, 2016

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