Chapter 14

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"What's been going on, guys?" I was currently doing live stream while Justin was in the shower.

"How about we do question answer on twitter? I'll obviously answer them here, I'll tweet the hashtag,"

@AleeahLeonard: #BabyTiger Let the questions begin!!!

"Alright, first question, what's it like having Justin as a bestfriend? Well, when he's not being his normal stubborn self, he's really nice. We can have the deepest talks and two minutes later be laughing over something Chaz texted him. Next question, do you hangout with Chaz and Ryan? Are they nice? Oh my gosh, Chaz and Ryan are amazing. I love when they come on tour because we mess around with Beliebers while they wait for Justin, it's hilarious. We always pull pranks on Justin and one time..."

"What about me?" Justin asks, walking out in nothing but a towel.

"I'm doing a live stream and they were asking about Ryan and Chaz,"

"I want to answer questions!"

"Get clothes on first," I giggle. I look back at the screen and everyone was asking if Justin was naked. "Guys, calm down. He's not naked, he has a towel on," Saying that caused Justin to laugh. "Alright now that Mr. Pricklepants is here, back to the questions,"

"What's your favorite thing about each other? Well, my favorite thing about Justin is... You can tell him anything and he does everything in his power to make you feel better. Also, when Jaxon and Jazmyn come to visit on tour, he spends all his time with them, well mostly Jaxon because Jazzy and I are always doing something. He's just an amazing person and makes sure everyone else is happy before himself," I turn and smile at him.

"My favorite thing about Ali is she's absolutely beautiful inside and out, she gets along with my family and friend, I can call her whenever I'm upset about something and she'll come over and listen to me rant. Well, unless I'm across the country. I love how she hangs out with my Beliebers even though she doesn't have to. She has this hard shell coating, but once you get past it, she is the best person I've ever met,"

"Question number four, does Justin still fly his dad, Jazzy, and Jaxon out? If so, thought? Oh my god, I'm in love with Jaxon. He is the cutest thing I've ever seen! He always brings me a toy car when he comes to visit and if I'm not there, he gives it to Uncle Scooter and makes him promise to give it to me. And Jazmyn's a little sweetheart. Nothing like her stubborn brother, that's for sure. We always play dress up, and I take her shopping. She's just adorable! Okay, ummmm. What is your favorite memory with each other? Hmmm, Justin you wanna go first?"

"Sure, this is easy. When we kind of fell off the face of the earth, we were on a private island for a family vacation, and we were all at the beach. Well, then everyone wanted to leave except me and Ali, so we stayed and had this huge conversation on what we wanted to accomplish in life and stuff like that. That was before everything went down hill, and that's everything I remember until the day I saw her in the hospital. She was all smiles that day, like nothing was wrong in her life,"

"Well, I guess I'm a pretty damn good actress. My favorite memory would be, hanging out with Avalanna. One time, we were in the East Coast and he was all excited because we were going somewhere, and I had no clue where. We pulled up to this house and he jumped out of the car so fast, it was insane. Eventually I caught up with him and he was sitting on the couch with the most gorgeous little girl I have ever seen. She was so nice, she gave me a bracelet of hers. I never take it off, we spent the whole day watching movies and playing games. At the end off the day we had a dance party to all of Justin's song and I swear, that little girl can dance! Okay, one more question, Justin you pick,"

"Alright, umm, why do you like to go on tour? Well, I like it because I love perform and seeing my Beliebers and travel the world. It's pretty amazing,"

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