Chapter 9

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*Aleeah's PoV*

I wake up with a killer head ache and my wrist hurting like a bitch. I look down at my wrist and just stare at the cuts. What the hell happened, and where am I? I stumble around place looking for hints on what happened. Once I catch a glimpse of the vodka bottles and bloody towels, it all comes back to me. I left after Fredo came over because I felt alone and hurt. I bought alcohol and came here. Ugh.. I regret everything! Justin and Fredo must of shown up when I was in the middle of one of my pain relieving sessions. I grab my phone and notice I have a text from Uncle Scooter.

Scooter: Beach at 2.. Be there!!

I look at the time and it's 12:30. I walk over to Fredo and wake him up.

"Hey, Scooter wants us at the beach at two. Can you wake up Justin for me? I'm scared," I admit as he sits up. 

"Yeah. You okay?" He asks trying to maintain his balance.  

"I guess. Just lost, confused, hurt, frustrated, and lonely. But other than that I'm perfectly fine," I say putting on a fake smile. 

"Hey. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm her for you. Even if it's about Justin. I promise I'll keep it a secret," He says coming over and hugging me. He goes to wake up Justin and I put on my sweatshirt and do everything I can to avoid him.

When we get in the SUV I sit in the back and hug my knees.

"You wanna stop at Olive Garden before we head to the beach?" Fredo asks looking in the rear view mirror. I just nof my head and stare out the window. Since our actual hotel was just down the road, the drive wasn't very long. When we get there, I head to my room to bandage up my wrists and put on my bikini. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling when someone knocks at my door. Expecting Fredo to be at my door I grab my phone and purse and open the door.

*Justin's PoV*

When she opens the door I grab her waist and start kissing her. Thankfully she doesn't reject me, but when I pull away she looks confused.

"Look, Justin, I'm sorry about last night. It was never my intention for you to see me like that. I have a lot going on and I guess it became too much. Between feeling lost, confused, frustrated, hurt, and lonely and my boyfriend being a teen heart throb that will eventually not have time for me. I.. I.. I just don't know what to do,"  

"Hey. I will always have time for my girl no matter what. And if you ever need someone to talk to you have me, my mom, Scooter, Kenny, Fredo, Alison, and Carin. They love you, maybe even as much as me. You can tell me anything! I just don't want to see this," He says pointing to my wrist. "Again. You are my everything and I hate to see you hurt!" I start bawling. Justin comes over and hugs me.  

"Yo, can we..." Fredo says stopping mid sentence. "Sorry for ruining this moment yall are having but I just wanted to say if you two ever need anything just ask me. You are like my little brother and sister. I hate seeing you hurt. Especially at the same time," He says looking at us. I wipe my eyes and smile. "Now can we go? I'm starving!" He smiles. We all race down to the SUV.

When we get to Olive Garden, I order the normal ravioils and stare at my glass.

"Guys, how am I going to explain this," I say holding out my wrist, "To Uncle Scooter?" 

"You are going to just have to tell him," Fredo shrugs.  

"Ughh!" I say as the waiter comes up next to me.

After we eat, we go to the beach.

"Where have you guys been?" Scooter asks. 

"We went to get something to eat," Fredo explains. Him and Justin take their shirts off and start throwing a football around.


"Hmm?" He replies laying there with his eyes shut. 

"Last night, when we went to the other hotel, it wasn't because we wanted to get away," he sits up and looks at me. "I had left our original hotel and went to that one. I was over whelmed with everything. Leaving my friends, living in a tour bus, dating a popstar, not having anyone to talk to. And well I don't know," I hugged my knees. "All I really remember is going to a liquor store and spending the forty bucks I had. This morning I woke up and Justin and Fredo were there." I showed him my wrists. "Scooter. I have a break down. I'm sorry," Tears were streaming down my face. He scoots toward me and hugs me.  

"Hey. Listen to me. Anyone on the crew, and I mean ANYONE, can talk to you. If you can't talk to me or Justin, there are plenty of other people. Please don't do this again. We all love you,"  

"Thank you Uncle Scooter," I whisper into his ear. He pulls out of the hug, smiles, then check my wrist to see if it's okay. 

"Hey guys!" I look to my right and see Pattie standing there. "Are you okay, Aleeah?" It was then that I realized I was still crying. I look and Scooter and he takes he off to the side. When they come back, Pattie hugs me. "Do you have my number?" She asks pulling away. I shake my head no and hand her my phone. 

"Mommy!" Justin yells, running to give Pattie a hug. 

"Hi, Justin," she smiles hugging him back. 

"Hey. Wanna go get a smoothie or ice cream or something?" Fredo asks kneeling next to me. I nod my head and stand up. 

"Scooter. We will be back," Fredo yells. Scooter nods and starts talking to Pattie and Justin

Friend~or~Foe(Justin Bieber Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz