Chapter 12

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Aleeah'a POV

"So what happened with Justin?" Currently I was at an interview. It's been almost 2 months since Justin and I have broken up but we are still best friends.

"We decided to take a much needed break, but we are really close! Closer than when we were dating. I think we are both glad we took a break. The crew is, for sure, because I would sort of distract Justin for what he was suppose to be doing, distract him from his fans, and you could tell it was getting old with them. I actually haven't seen him in a month which kind of sucks to be honest with you,"

"So you wouldn't mind if we gave you a little surprise?" I give her a questionable look. Then the whole crowd starts scream so I turn around. Guess who comes walking out from backstage?

"Justin!!!" I run up to him and squeeze him.

"Miss me much?"

"Well, of course. Uncle Scooter gets on my nerves too easily," we both giggle and sit down on the couch.

"So Justin, what's it like being best friends with your ex?"

"It's actually not that hard. I think we kind of jumped into the relationship and I think we both truly thought we were in love but in the long run we weren't. Like Al said, our relationship is stronger now than it's ever been. I'm glad we took a break, otherwise our relationship thing we had going would have ended badly. I'm proud to have Aleeah as my best friend. She helps keep me out of some trouble and is always there when I need someone to talk to, and she knows I'll do the same for her,"

"Speaking of trouble, what's this thing about you smoking weed and partying all the time?" I bury my face in Justin's shoulder as I silently start to cry. Everyone that knows me, knows how touchy this subject is for me.

"For a period of time, some personal things had been going on and I felt like it was my fault. This was my way of taking away the pain without taking my life. I regret every bit of it and truly and deeply apologize to those I hurt. It made absolutely nothing better, especially the personal things that had caused it,"

"Would you mind sharing those personal things?"

"Like I said-" I cut him off.

"I think everyone deserves to know," I whisper to him. "There was a point in time after Justin and I broke up that we lost contacted. I went back home to settle something and Justin obviously stayed on tour. While at home, I felt lost and confused and like I had no where to run. Uncle Scooter wasn't in the hotel room at the time, so I took a bunch of pills I had found in the medicine cabinet behind the mirror and took them. I tried killing myself. I guess Scooter had contacted the crew that was on tour, because they were on break for a little bit. Everyone came rushing to my hospital room. Except Justin. That's when I found out he was smoking and partying, and most of you know what happened with my parents. I just couldn't see him ruining his life for me. I was crying everyday, no one knew why. Then one day, he showed up at the hospital.. High. It absolutely killed me," I started bawling and Justin pulled me into his chest.

"Well, Justin, how'd you guys start talking again?"

"She wouldn't let me leave until the high wore off. She gave me this huge lecture and made me realize what I was doing. She gave me her new number, and came back on tour once she got all better. Then she started give speeches around the States and I haven't seen her since, until today," I lift my head off his chest, give him a weak smile then wipe my eyes.

"We didn't mean to make you cry Aleeah. I'm honestly sorry,"

"No it's fine. Justin knows that's a touchy subject that's why he said it was personal. I think everyone deserved to know,"

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