Chapter 3

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*Justin's PoV*

Once Aleeah completely owned Fredo in Black Ops she went to go take a shower.

"Yo, Justin. Snap out of it!" I shake my head look at Fredo who was snapping his fingers in my face.


"You like her don't you?" He asks giving me a pedo smile.

"One, don't smile like that you look creepy, and two, if you wanna talk about this then text me!" I yell irritated and storm off to my room. Was Fredo right? I mean Aleeah is beautiful and she knows how to fight back, and I love that about some girls. What am I talking about?! I can't like her.

I was interrupted by my phone going off.

(Text Conversation)

Fredo: Sooooooo?

Me: What!?

Fredo: You like her don't you?(;

Me: No, yes, I don't know!

Fredo: Ohhhhhh JB's got a crush!


(End of Text Conversation)

Maybe I do like Aleeah.

*Aleeah's PoV*

When I got out of the shower I went into my room to change. There was a note on my bed.

'Hey, sorry for being a dick these past couple days. I'm just use to getting all the attention. Forgive me? Xoxo Justin'

I smile to myself. Maybe I should give him a second chance. I put on yoga pants, my homecoming shirt, and my ugg slippers on. I scrunch my hair and do my makeup even though the only people seeing me are Justin, Fredo, and the bus driver. I walk out the the couch and sit opposite of the boys.

"You want anything to eat or drink?" Fredo asks hopping up from the couch. I just sit there figuring he was talking to Justin. "You there?"

"Me?" I ask confused.

"No, the wall. Yes you!" He says laughing and opening the fridge.

"Monster and hot Cheetos please," I say politely. He tosses me a bag of chips and a Monster.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Fredo asks going back and forth from me to Justin,

"Sure," I answer shoving a Cheeto in my mouth. Before doing anything else I run to my room to get my phone and a blanket. When I walk back out, they are sitting on the couch I was on but left an open space for me. "What are we watching?" I ask sitting in between Justin and Fredo. They both shushed me and kept their eyes on the TV. As the movie starts I realize it a scary one. I can't handle them. I stand up and walk to my room. I get in there and turn on my TV to watch a movie.

"Hey, you okay?" Someone asks opening the door. I turn around to see Fredo standing there.

"Yeah, I can't handle scary movies," I'm not really embarrassed. There are tons of people who can't take a scary movie.

"Hey!" He whispers sitting next to me on my bed, "You'll be fine! We can all sleep out there tonight and you got me and Justin in case you get too scared," he was rubbing my back and it felt securing. I roll my eyes, grab my stuff, and head back out to the TV area. Let the screaming being.


Sorry it's really shorty:/ I've been busy a lot lately.

But it's 3 in the morning and I need my sleep.!


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