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Callie smiled at her mother's loopy handwriting

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Callie smiled at her mother's loopy handwriting. She knew her parents wouldn't get mad at her over her house, but it was reassuring to her that it was definitely not the case. They were very understanding people, especially when it came to their daughters.

She looked over to her best friend, seeing the girl laugh loudly as she read the parchment in her hands. Mercia wiped a small tear from her eye, her loud laughs subsiding to small giggles. "My parents are so funny!" she exclaimed.  Curiously, Callie looked over at the Ravenclaw table where Mercia's twin sat. Maia read the letter in her hands with a completely straight face.

On the other side of Callie sat four loud boys, all laughing amongst themselves. It was clear to Callie that they were making fun of others, with the way their eyes sparkled with mischief.

"What about Patrick from our Defense Against the Dark Arts class? I can't figure him out..."  Remus said to the boys.

"He's a little too serious for me. What do you think James?" Peter asked.

"Hmm," James looked at his plate, moving his food around subconsciously. "Seems cool to me."

"Yeah, seems cool. I agree." Peter said.

Callie was watching them have their conversation, and Sirius definitely noticed. "What about that curly-headed freak from Gryffindor? I think she looks like a little lion, but her personality is more like a mouse." Sirius smirked in her direction as Callie rolled her eyes at his words.

"Who?" James said, playing along. "Oh, right, the one who pretends to hate us even though we're the only ones she hangs around. She's so small I forget she's there sometimes."

"Oh, you guys are hilarious!" Callie exclaimed to the boys, her voice dripping in sarcasm. "Don't get so cocky though- I am friends with Peter, Remus, and Mercia. Just because we have mutual friends doesn't mean I even consider you my acquaintances!"

"Oh look, she even knows big words like 'acquaintances'!" Sirius said to the boys, making Callie roll her eyes.

"Oh, do me!" Mercia said excitedly, bouncing in her seat.

The four boys looked at each other for a moment, then back to Mercia, clearly thinking hard. "I can't think of any other words besides 'excitable puppy' to describe you." Remus told her.

"This is fun!" The blonde cheered happily.

"Guys, we have to go." Remus sighed. "Potions is soon."

Out of a sea of groans, Callie's was the loudest. "I am so bad at that class! I am doing at least fine in every other class, but potions is my worst!"

"Cheer up, buttercup. You're doing great in all the other classes, so don't sweat it." Sirius said, before stuffing a muffin in his mouth. "Besides, I've seen your grades when you show Remus. Your 'worst' grade is barely bad. Better than James' best at least."

Lady Lion [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now