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About a week had passed since Callie's outburst, and ever since she has ignored the Devastation Twins. It was clear that her rant had affected them, even a little bit, because whenever they saw her they tried their best to be extremely polite. Callie felt bad about yelling at them in front of everyone in the common room, but she also wanted to stand her ground. With the exception of small arguments with her sister as she was growing up, Callie never really had reason to yell at anybody before. It made her feel powerful, and apologizing to them for it would make her lose a lot of that power.

"Callie, let's go! I'm starving!" Mercia exclaimed, falling back on her bed dramatically. Her actions always were very performance-like.

Callie chuckled at Mercia. "I'm ready to go whenever, we're just waiting for Lily!" She responded. She said "Lily" extra loudly, hoping the redhead in the bathroom would hear.

It was barely a moment later that Lily came out from the bathroom. "Relax, I'm ready to go. A little mascara never hurt anybody."

As soon as Lily said this, Mercia made her way to the door. "Let's go, come on!" As if they were mothers dealing with an impatient child, Callie and Lily both follow Mercia out of the dormitories without another word in order to end Mercia's begging.

"Well, good morning ladies. You all look lovely today." James said upon seeing them. His exaggerated voice let everyone know that he didn't really mean what he said- he was just being polite because he felt he had to.

Callie looked over to see Remus, Peter, and Sirius all sitting with James. "Good morning Remus, good morning Peter. Want to join us in the Great Hall for breakfast?" She asked, blatantly ignoring the other two boys.

Sirius stood up, making James follow. "We all would love to."

Callie rolled her eyes at this, and the three girls walked out of the room without another word. Unfortunately for them, the Devastation Twins actually joined them, following them to the Great Hall.

"Today seems like a beautiful day, don't you agree James?" Sirius asked his counterpart.

"Why yes Sirius, it does seem like a beautiful day. I think I'll go for a walk by the Black Lake after classes. How about you ladies, what do you plan to do on this beautiful day?" James said.

Lily and Callie remained silent out of annoyance at the boys. Mercia desperately wanted to respond- not talking was hard for her, but the refusal to respond by the other two girls let her know that answering James wasn't the best thing to do.

"What, you plan to do nothing? That's a shame, what a waste of a day." Sirius told the girls.

Callie quickly spun around to face the boys behind her, catching the all of them off guard. "What's your game? What are you two trying to do here? I think that all three of us have made it clear that we don't want to talk to you."

"We're talking to you like friends, because we're friends." Sirius said coolly, as if there was no tension between them.

"We stopped being friends the moment that I realized that you guys were much worse than just annoying." Callie told him.

"It's not like we were just mindlessly hurting somebody." James tried to defend himself.

"Then what was it?" Lily asked. "Was he 'asking for it'?"

"There's bad blood between us, you have to believe me." Sirius told her.

Callie scoffed at his answer, because it was barely an answer at all. "Who cares? Why did you have to go ahead and treat him like garbage? Making fun of him and jinx him-"

"Wait, how do you know what we did anyways? Did he come to you and tattle on us?" James asked, anger becoming present in his voice.

Callie's voice faltered for a moment, so Lily answered for her. "No, he didn't 'tattle' on you. Let's just say that you hurt more than just Severus when you bullied him." With that last sentence stumping the Devastation Twins, Lily led the girls to the Great Hall.

Once the boys were out of earshot, Lily sighed of relief. "I can't believe I was able to get the last word." She said it with a chuckle, but Callie cut her off quickly.

"Why would you tell them that? They're going to be suspicious now." Callie told her.

"Wait, if they're suspicious anyways, can I tell them? I want to tell somebody!" Mercia asked.

"No, Mercia."

"Oh please, they won't figure it out. Even if they weren't so dull, it's not enough information to come to any conclusion. Don't worry about it." Lily said nonchalantly.

Callie sighed. "I guess you're right."

"Why don't you want people knowing anyways?" Lily asked Callie.

"Yeah, because I think it's so cool! It's like, super magic!" Mercia added.

"I don't know. It's not like it's a bad thing, it's just, why do people even need to know? It's not important for them to know, and I don't want to tell them, so I wont." Callie answered. She was beginning to get sick of having to explain; why couldn't people just understand that she didn't want to tell anybody?

"I'm not forcing you to tell anybody, I'm just curious." Lily said.

The girls didn't realize that although they did get away from Sirius and James for a few minutes, the boys were still on the way to the Great Hall. The girls stopping to talk about Callie's abilities left the boys time to catch up to them.

"You're not forcing her to tell anybody what?" Sirius asked, James right by his side. The girls all quickly looked in the boys' direction, shocked expressions on their faces.

"Oh my gosh, Callie, they know!" Mercia squeaked out. Everyone's head snapped in her direction; the boys wanted to get the information out of her, and the girls just wanted her to be quiet.

"Mercia, please, don't say anything." Callie told her, whispering quietly but aggressively.

"Does little miss lion have a secret?" Sirius asked teasingly. This couldn't be any worse for Callie.

"You do know that female lions don't have manes, right?" Callie asked.

"It's a good nickname and you know it. Anyways, don't change the subject." he responded.

"What is my business will stay my business." Callie told him.

"And it will clearly stay Mercia and Lily's business too." James countered.

Callie's silence left Sirius to get the last words this time around. "You might not like me right now, but you may want to try to be friends with me again." He told her. "Now that I know that the perfect little Huntingdon has a secret, I am going to figure it out and have blackmail on you."

Callie was about to argue him and tell him something incredibly witty, but the boys walked away before she could respond. She turned to the girls again, appearing to be not phased. "Like you said Lily, they don't have any information on what my 'secret' could be. What could they possibly find out?"

Lady Lion [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora