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To somebody who didn't know better, Callie and Lily would appear to have been friends for ages with the way they laughed and talked to each other in the Great Hall and on their way up to the Gryffindor common room. Both girls were in agreement after studying potions with Severus that given the amount of things they had to talk about, they wanted to have lunch together and get to know each other better. They found themselves becoming fast friends.

The girls walked into the Gryffindor common room to find the rest of The Gang awake, with the exception of Peter. Remus once told Callie that Peter sleeps as though his life depended on it.

"Hey everyone!" Callie greeted as her and Lily entered, drawing the attention of The Gang over to the girls. Callie noticed that upon seeing Lily, James nudged Sirius and motioned slightly in her direction, a smirk on his face. She would keep that in mind. "This is Lily Evans, we met when I was down in the library."

She gave them a shy wave. "Hi guys, it's nice to meet you."

James stood up confidently, waltzing over to where the girls stood near the common room entrance. He ran his hand through his hair- a habit of his- before holding it out for Lily to shake. "James. James Potter."

Lily took his hand and shook it, though the look on her face showed that she was uncomfortable. She already hadn't liked him because of how him and his counterpart treated Severus, and now he was strutting over to her like he could win her over with a single look. Boys.

"Oh, sit down James, you're creeping her out." Remus said with a laugh. He looked over in Lily's direction again, giving her a smile. "I'm Remus."

"Oh, Callie told me about you! Her and I talked for a while before we came up here, she mentioned how you were her first friend at Hogwarts." Lily said.

"And she was also mine!" Remus added, making Callie smile. She had already known that, but being reminded that she has a special place in Remus' experience at Hogwarts made Callie so happy.

"And, since you fit the description, you must be Mercia." Lily said towards the blonde.

Mercia's face lit up, and you could see the excitement in her eyes. "Oh my gosh, Callie talked about me too? Yay! I love Callie, we've been best friends since the first day too, her and I always hang out-"

"Yes, Mercia is my best friend." Callie told Lily, which cut Mercia off.

"What about me, little lion?" Sirius asked, a slight smirk appearing on his face. "Did you talk about me at all, or is that too long of a story?"

Callie rolled her eyes. "Oh, trust me Canis, she knows about you. Did I forget to mention that Severus is her best friend?"

Upon hearing the immediate groans of the Devastation Twins, Callie began to snap at them. "You guys are so annoying! You can't even hear his name without getting aggravated, I'm sick of it."

"Sorry mom." James told her, rolling his eyes. Callie stuck her tongue out at them in return.

"Whatever. James, want to go down the Great Hall?" Sirius asked, standing up.

"Anything for you." James told him, adding a wink at the end.

Together they left the common room, which made Callie feel anxious- her impatience to find out what was happening between the devastation twins and Severus was driving her to do things she knew were stupid, but she wanted to do anyways.

"Hey, I think I left something in the library. I'll be right back." Callie said, rushing out of the common room before anybody could say anything in return.

Confidence radiated off of Sirius and James as they exited the Great Hall. Their usual arrogance combined with a fourth year Hufflepuff taking an interest in the two boys made them feel like kings of the world. This meant that as they saw Severus on the way back to the common room, they were more than happy to let him have it.

Sirius and James didn't like Severus, or Snivellus as they more commonly called him, for a multitude of reasons. Their initial meeting on the Hogwarts Express was hostile, and laid the foundation for the growing antagonism between them. His desire to be in Slytherin and his witty remarks against Gryffindor were the impetus for James and Sirius to dislike him. Their relationship was stubbornly malevolent.

"Hey Snivellus," James called out in the direction of Severus, who quickly looked up at them. "Where are all your friends? Or would it be more suiting to just say 'friend', since that little redhead is the only one you have?"

Typically, Severus would move out of their way and attempt to go around them, but he stood in the same spot he in was in. He stood quietly. His break in paradigm intrigued the two Gryffindors.

The halls were mostly empty, which prompted Sirius to take out his wand. The wand pointed directly at Severus, who's eyes widened. "Aw, is little Snivellus scared?" Sirius asked, laughing alongside James.

Severus was hesitant about pulling out his wand, but the moment that it became exposed Sirius had cast a spell, "Expelliarmus!" James and Sirius barely saw the wand before it was disarmed from Severus' hand.

Severus looked back at the boys in worry after watching his wand fall to the other end of the hall. Nothing occurred between them for a moment, which allowed Severus to step in the direction of his wand in order to retrieve it, but his attempt was cut short with another spell be cast.


A blue spark shot towards Severus, knocking backwards and down on his back. Sirius and James laughed mercilessly as the boy winced in pain- his head hit the floor roughly.

"Sirius, what about one more jinx? You know, for good measure." James' smile taunted Severus, and Sirius returned an equally as evil grin.

"That sounds like a good idea-" Sirius began, but the sound of footsteps coming down a nearby staircase silenced him. Both of the boys listened for a moment, hearing the footsteps getting louder and louder. "On second thought, I would prefer not to have detention tonight."

"Let's get out of here." James said, before the two rushed off in the direction of the Gryffindor common room.

After checking to make sure Sirius and James were definitely not coming back, Severus stood up with a groan before retrieving his wand. Professor Slughorn, the owner of the feared footsteps, walked past him with a grin. "Good evening, Severus." He greeted, to which Severus returned a slight smile.

The hallways were completely clear, encouraging Callie to change back into her common appearance from Severus'. She sighed as she thought about having to go back to the common room where Sirius and James would be. At the moment, she was caught in between fearing them and being furious at them. To think, she was just starting to tolerate them too; they may have annoyed her to begin with, but the thinks they did to people they didn't like were unexcusable.

Lady Lion [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now