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"Did you have trouble with the History of Magic homework?" Remus asked Sirius as they sat together in the common room, along with James, Peter, Lily, and Mercia.

"That old thing? Piece of cake." Sirius answered, not taking his eyes off of the piece of string dangling from his robes. He hadn't stopped playing with it for hours.

Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius' answer, leaning back in his chair. "You didn't do it, did you?"

"I don't even know where my books are."Sirius said as he chuckled, glancing in Remus' direction.

It was like a storm had hit; the calmness fulling the common room had been taken over by the rage of Calista Huntingdon as she stormed in.

Originally, Callie had planned on ignoring the Devastation Twins and their stupidity, partly because she didn't know where to begin with telling them how incredibly awful they were, and partly because she was afraid they would suspect that she had abilities of some sort if she knew what had happened in an otherwise empty hallway. However, as she saw the two of them, she couldn't help but storm over to where they saw and scold them. It was almost autonomous.

"Do you guys really think you're some kind of gods? Do you really think you're so much better than everybody else?" Callie questioned them, quickly and furiously.

While everybody was surprised at the outburst, Sirius managed to keep a calm face on as he responded. "Why, is that how you see us?" He asked her, adding a wink at the end.

"Shut it!" Callie yelled, pointing at him. "I don't know how it hasn't gotten through both of your thick skulls yet, but you're no better than anybody! Nobody thinks you're anything to worship- to look up to. In fact, most of us just see you as a couple of idiots who don't know how to behave like real people."

Everybody in the room was silent, even the other students who were not involved. Callie quickly continued on.

"Being bullies to people just because you don't see eye-to-eye with them is just plain stupidity. If you keep it up, you two will never be anything more than some eleven-year-old idiots that nobody likes and only pretends to tolerate because you're too stubborn to change. Hurting the people that you think are below you doesn't make you any better. It just makes you someone to pity, not somebody to admire. Being students in Gryffindor is suppose to mean you're brave, but I only can see you two as weak."

She immediately stormed away, up to the dormitories. Tears filled her eyes as she was overwhelmed with anger. "Oh my gosh, Callie!" Mercia yelled, pulling Lily up with her to the dormitories to follow the flustered girl.

The boys sat there in silence, taking in what had happened. Although he was becoming more and more upset as he thought of the girl's harsh words, Sirius tried to make light of the situation. "So, I guess we found out how incredibly loud a lion can roar." James hit him directly afterwards.

Lily and Mercia walked into the dormitories to find Callie lying face-down on her bed. "Callie..." Lily began, not sure what to say to her upset friend.

"Please," Callie began, her voice muffled from the blankets surrounding her mouth. "Please tell me that nothing happened downstairs. Please tell me I imagined it, and that I simply walked right passed them and up to the dorms without saying a word."

"Are you kidding me?" Mercia asked, jumping onto Callie's bed next to where she laid. "You said everything to them! Oh my gosh, you really gave it to them! You should've seen their faces when you started yelling, it was amazing!"

"Mercia, why don't you go get Callie something from the Great Hall? Something sweet to cheer her up." Lily told Mercia. Lily's voice was delicate and sweet; it was a major contrast from Mercia's bubbly, booming voice.

"Oh, good idea!" Mercia agreed happily, skipping out of the dorms. She was oblivious to the fact that her task was merely busy work so Lily and Callie could talk alone.

Lily turned back to Callie, who now sat upright on her bed. She was on the brink of tears, but not quite crying yet.

"I don't even really know what to say..." Lily said, sitting down next to Callie. "Well, I actually do have something to say. Wow, that was impressive."

Callie chuckled. "Yeah, I surely wasn't expecting that to happen."

"What did they do to make you so upset?" Lily asked.

"They were harassing me- I mean, Severus. I saw them bullying Severus, and it was worse than just hurtful comments." Callie cringed at her mishap. It was stupid, it just came out. All Callie could do is hope that Lily didn't notice. The chance of that was very unlikely, but it was a very quick mistake and Callie tried to fix it immediately.

To Callie's dismay, Lily did indeed notice. "What, they harass you too?" Lily stood up, angrily placing her hands on her hips. "I can't believe it. Those idiots are going to get what's coming to them, I swear. Bullying Sev is bad enough, but you too? They're cruel."

"Lily, it's not what you think." Callie said, sighing. Lily had to know the truth. "They... They didn't know it was me. They weren't trying to hurt me."

Confusion spread across Lily's face as Callie said this. "What is that supposed to mean? Do they just go around hexing every student they see?"

"No, no. They- well, they thought they were bullying Severus." Callie found it difficult to tell Lily the full story. It's like she momentarily forgot the words.

"That makes no sense."

Callie shook her head, a nervous laugh escaped her lips. "No, it wouldn't with anybody else. But you see, I'm different. I have these abilities to change my appearance- I'm called a metamorphmagus. I can change my appearance to whatever I want-"

"Like a polyjuice potion?" Lily asked.

"Yes! Exactly like that, except without the potion part. I just kind of want to change my appearance, and it appears the way I want to until I want to change it again."

Her eyes widened in shock, but Lily was in disbelief. "You know, if they're harassing you and you're just saying that to cover it up-"

She was cut off by Callie morphing into Severus.

"Oh my goodness! Ok, ok. I believe you." Lily exclaimed, shocked.

Callie morphed back into her usual appearance, giggling. "Good. Hey, don't tell anybody please. It's not out yet."

"Who else knows? Just me?" Lily asked.

"Mercia knows too, but I don't think she told anybody. Gosh, I hope not."

"Well, I pinky-swear not to tell." Lily said, sticking out her pinky that was quickly met with Callie's.

"I'm back!" Mercia said in a song-like voice, her arms filled with little pastries.

Together the girls sat on Callie's bed for the rest of the night, stuffing themselves with pastries and laughing with each other. The three of them were becoming a very tight-knit group.

Lady Lion [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now