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"Can you believe it, Callie?" Mercia was practically jumping around the room from excitement. "My first friend from Hogwarts is in the same house as me! We can be partners in crime, the dynamic duo! The Gryffindor Girls! Why, we'll run this town, Calista!"

"Yeah, Mercia. It's great." Callie muttered out, occupied in the letter she had promised to write her parents.

"What are you writing, Lista?" Mercia questioned

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"What are you writing, Lista?" Mercia questioned. Callie took a moment to figure out the new nickname she was just given, but then returned to their conversation.

"Oh, just a letter to my parents. They were dying to find out what house I would be in, so I wanted to send them a letter right away." Callie told here.

"Oh, my family was positive I would be a Gryffindor. Maia told me I'm so loud that no other house would want me!" Mercia let out a loud laugh. "She's so funny!"

Callie felt sad for the naïve girl. "Are you sure she's kidding, Mercia?"

Mercia tilted her head, confusion written on her face. "Of course she is, why wouldn't she be?"

"Just curious, but you know her better than I do. I'm sure you're right!"

With that, the short blonde was back to bouncing up and down, announcing her excitement for Hogwarts.

"Hello Remus!" Callie greeted her friend with a smile as he sat down next to her in the Great Hall.

"Hi Calista. How have your first few days at Hogwarts been? Weird how we didn't see too much of each other besides the first night."

"Yeah, it is weird. Mine have been pretty good though. Mercia's like a little pet, she follows me around everywhere and has a knack for making me smile. How about you?"

"Mine have been good as well. Sirius, James, and I have become pretty good friends. I also am becoming friends with this other first year, Peter. He's friendly."

"Wow, I'm pretty surprised you're hanging out with the devastation twins." Callie told him, chuckling before she noticed his confusion. "That's what Mercia and I call James and Sirius. Whenever I pass them they always seem to be getting into or thinking about getting into trouble. You seem more... mature?"

"Just because I haven't pulled a lot of pranks with the 'twins' yet doesn't mean I'm not an eleven year old boy who knows fun when he sees it!" Remus laughed.

"I suppose you're right. Wait, yet?"

"Remus!" Callie and the boy turned to the entrance of the Great Hall, seeing Sirius and James walking in like they owned the place. They placed themselves on both sides of Remus, forcing Callie to slide to the next seat over. She rolled her eyes at the boys as they were so loud and didn't seem to focus on anything except their small group.

"Boys..." Callie muttered to herself, getting up to leave.

"Hi Callie!" Mercia skipping into the Great Hall as Callie was almost out the door.

"Hey Mercia." Callie greeted the blonde.

"Hey, you! I've been looking for you, and now I found you, so yay!" she beamed. Mercia's smile was so big that Callie couldn't help but smile herself.

"We have classes starting soon, do you want to head back to the dorms quickly before we have to leave for them?"

"Sure!" Mercia grabbed onto Callie's hand and held it all the way back to the dorms, causing the brunette to roll her eyes and smile at the little dork.

Callie scanned the room before looking in the mirror. Everybody was either in the Great Hall or getting to class much earlier than they needed to be, while Mercia was in the bathroom. Callie was grateful to have a minute to herself to use her abilities quickly. She made the bags under her eyes disappear and her lips a little more pink; it was just like makeup, without the makeup. While she was at it, Callie also added a few more freckles to her appearance. Lately that was Callie's new favorite trend: freckles.

"I'm all ready!" The blonde said, leaving the bathroom. As soon as she saw Callie, she looked directly at her face for a moment.

"W-What?" Callie questioned her, looking away.

Mercia's face lit up, as it normally did. "You look cute! Let's go."

Lady Lion [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now