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Calista's sister had told her all about the castle and the Great Hall and the sorting ceremony, but actually being there in the moment felt surreal. Standing with all the other first years and seeing the countless students that attended Hogwarts who were magic just like her, Calista knew this is what home felt

It was hard for Callie to grasp the amount of magic that was happening in the school. Sure, as a pure-blood, Callie was very well acquainted with magic being used for daily tasks, but it was never a nonstop thing, and often times her family preferred to do some things the muggle way just for the heck of it. She expected a bit more magic to be used here for tasks, but come on, there was a singing hat!

She had been so caught up in her surroundings, Callie hadn't noticed that the actual sorting had started until she heard the loud roar of the Sorting Hat, "Ravenclaw!" The young girl was absolutely terrified to be sorted; part of her wished it would never come, and part of her wished she would be called already so it would be over with. Callie could feel her heart in her chest gradually get louder and faster, and the only thing she could do was breath and close her eyes. She knew that no matter which house she was placed in, at least one of her parents would be disappointed. Sure, they would love her no matter what, but her father was dying to have a child in Ravenclaw, while her mother was certain that Callie would join Hufflepuff with her sister.

A portion of students were called already, none of their names recognizable except for Sirius and James from the boat, both of whom were placed in Gryffindor. Rory had told Callie that students were called in alphabetical order, but that didn't seem to be the case this year.

"Remus Lupin!" The headmaster called. Callie watched as the boy who stood next to her walked up and sat on the stool where the hat was placed on his head. It was only a moment before it shouted "Gryffindor!" Remus looked at Callie and gave her a smile, which she happily returned.

The twins were called soon after, first Maia then Mercia. Maia had been placed in Ravenclaw, while Mercia was announced a Gryffindor. Callie was dissapointed, now dreading her own sorting even more as it would make her worried definite. Everybody she met from her year were placed in a house that she didn't expect to be in, except for Maia, which Callie wasn't thrilled about. Callie really wanted- almost needed- one of her new friends to be in a house with her.

"Calista Huntingdon!" Her name was finally called. Callie's heart began to race as she looked over to her sister. Rory gave her a reassuring smile, patting the empty seat next to her to indicate her outcome would be Hufflepuff.

She walked up to the stool as she tried to calm her nerves. It was to no avail though; Callie was nervous about the sorting as it was, but being in the spotlight was not something she was comfortable with.

"Wow, I never thought I'd be placed on the head of a metamorphmagus. A Huntingdon, too. You must be proud. Your family probably wants you to carry on their legacies, but where do I think you should go?" The sorting hat's voice rang in her ears. She was astonished that he already knew her ongoing worries about her parents' wants.

I don't know what I want, Calista thought. I can't please both of my parents' wants for me in any of the houses.

"Well, let's not think about your parents. Let's see, you could belong in any of the houses. Your abilities could help with being cunning and deceitful, so you could belong in Slytherin. You are gentle and loyal, as a Hufflepuff would be. You have a good amount of wit and creativity which could be good in Ravenclaw. But I know what I think is best for a girl like you, Calista." The hat told her. She could not be more nervous if she tried.


Time stopped for a moment. It felt as if the whole school gasped, although in all actuality it was just herself and her sister. She looked over at Rory, whose mouth hung wide open. Callie was sure she looked just as shocked.

Meanwhile, other students clapped unknowingly. Callie looked to the rowdy Gryffindor table. Remus and others clapped happily, while Mercia could be heard cheering louder than anybody else in the room.

Callie was still in shock as she went to the Gryffindor table, finding a seat in between an extremely perky Mercia and a pleased Remus. She was glad she was with people she knew and were nice to her, but she was also very confused. Gryffindor was the last thing Callie expected for herself coming to Hogwarts.

Callie had a feeling that with the way things are turning out, school for her will come with lots of surprises.

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