You, Me and our Lilac sky

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"I found God
I found him in a lover
When his hair falls in his face
And his hands so cold they shake
I found the Devil
I found him in a lover
And his lips like tangerines
And his color coded speak "

Green eyes were the first thing she saw when she looked at him. He could be wearing the most outrageously bright and loud clothes, but his eyes would still strike her the most. And on days when the Sun fell on his eyes through the glass of her window, she couldn't bring herself to look away. So as she looked at him from the canvas,to draw him, she was screwed.

"Can you draw me?" The question was simple but, to Allison it seemed complicated. "No." It wasn't the abrupt or blunt answer that took him aback, but the lack of emotion in her voice and her blank stare. And when she decided to close the door on his face, he did the only thing he could think of. He stuck his head in between the door. Now with this less time to react, any sane person would just let the door be shut on their faces or at least not stick their head in between the door but Rune didn't do sane.

Now she was here, putting down her paint brush onto her canvas, placing beautiful strokes for his beautiful face.

Her focus particularly was fixed on his eyes, both on the canvas and in front of her, both extremely beautiful. Her brush always reached up to correct his eyes on the canvas, as they always changed colour, sometimes they were a dark shade of green .and when the light catches his eyes they turned a light hazel, but when he looked right at her they were back to the lovely shade of sea green. "How long?" He groaned. "In ancient times people have spent, around fifteen hours to get a full blown portrait done. Do the math."
"Screw this." Rune stood up from his chair and walked behind Allison, his hand placed on her shoulder, pressing her down slightly. She sucked in a short breath, shocked at the touch. "Bruh." Rune was blown away. The painting was unfinished due to his movement, but God he loved it. His eyes trailed from the paintings neck and stopped at his eyes. "I look amazing." He didn't mean it like that. He meant her drawing looked amazing, well the drawing was of him but the way the brunette had painted it, blew him away. "Well aren't you too proud of yourself." Allison had turned her stool to face him, their knees touched.

Rune leaned in closer, his hot breath fanning her face. "Well I am a Goddamn miracle, aren't I?" For a moment they just stared at each other, wondering who will make the next move. Allison pulled him closer with his black sweater, gripping it tightly. With her gaze still fixed with his, she made her move.

The paintbrush went right across his face, leaving a dark green stroke on his cheeks. "ALLISON , GOD!" Rune swept his thumb across his cheek, the paint still fresh. "You missed the 'is' Rune." She slowly stepped backwards clearly aware of the intentions of the boy in front of her. "Payback's a bitch." With that he put the blue paint in his hand, and smeared the paint across her face, causing both of them to laugh.
"GOD! RUNE STOP!" Red paint flew.
"You missed the 'is'." Blue paint flew.
"That doesn't even make sense you idiot." Until both of them were lilac.

Imp note: omg guys thank you sooooo fricking much for making my story hit 1.2k thank yall for your constant support ily

Hey guyssss sorry for the srsly long time periods ill try and be regular and the i promise the next chap wont be a stupod filler. K byeeee

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