You, Me and the Car

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"I'm in the deep end, cannonball jump
Thinkin' of your love
And my heart beats like a drum
Not feeling guilty
'cause the water's just right
Oh, it might be wrong, might be the time of your life"

The dinner with the Laurell's was only an hour long. Small amount of time, but enough to make Allison and Rune suffer. The wine had managed to make the adults slightly tipsy, and that had managed to make the teenagers' embarrassing stories roll out.

Rune had driven his parents home and Allison's father who refused to drink the wine of the restaurant drove Allison and her mother home. Since, her father refused to drink the wine of the hotel as he quoted "I have far more better drinks at home! This isn't anything!" Her father didn't even need wine or alcohol to be embarrassing, the Laurell's had decided to come to their home.


"Rune can drive?!" Allison's loud mother had found another person who was completely as loud as her, Rune's mother. The pair was ranting about anything and everything, whereas the fathers were examining two bottles of wine very closely.

Allison was exhausted. Today had been a long day and to top it off she now, had to take care of two completely responsible adults and her dog. Oh shit. At that moment, Allison wanted to shout at herself for being so irresponsible, her dog had been trapped in her room and she didn't even remember. She sprinted upstairs and also tripped over one or two, although she'd never admit.

"Thought you would never come." There sat Rune Laurell in her; little library, cuddled up on her pillows with her dog, reading her books.
"Nice collection."
Allison straightened her posture, standing firm on her feet although it was hard to in the heeled boots. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I heard scratching in your room so I decided to peek and." Rune replied while holding up the beagle. "This guy came out."

"Why are you here?"
"I just told-"
"No like, why did you not come down?"
"This place is quite comfortable." Rune shrugged.
"C'mon Blu."Allison cooed. The beagle jumped up from Rune's lap and rubbed himself at Allison's feet.
"Where are you going?"
"Taking him out for a walk?"
"Oh! Let me take Mia too."

The two pets were let out to run on the ground. "Don't you feel cold?" Allison looked up at the boy in front of her. "Great icebreaker but, yeah, I am, a little."
"Shouldn't we go back up then." Rune looked at the brunette besides him as he spoke.
"Let them play." Allison looked back at him and smiled. They stayed there for quite a while.
"Alli." One more minute. "Come on, up." How about a whole day. Just sleeping. "You're not going in the bus." Need a better bargain. "Food's ready." Ok.

"I'm up." Allison sat up straight looking at her mother. "But how are you up. You guys were like up super late last night."
"Mhmm." Her mother paused before speaking again. "You're my daughter, and you sleep like a log, and I love you, so I had to get up." Allison looked up and smiled at her mother. "Oh, and you're driving with Rune today." Allison gaped at her mother, who yawned and stretched. "Now, up."

"Mom, you gotta tell me about this stuff before!" Allison stated as she tied up her dark brown hair in top knot. "He could be a criminal."
"I had your Uncle Harris run a background check on him."
"You what?!?"
"No felonies, nothing."
"Mom! Many rapists do not have a record before they rape a person, especially a pretty and smart girl like me-" Before Allison could complete her sentence, her mother snorted. "Sure honey."
"Wow, mother."
"Mhm." Saying this she exited Allison's room.

After a calming shower, in which she slipped, twice while singing, Allison decided to change. She slipped into a white sweatshirt with the words "PROFESSIONAL FANGIRL" written, black jeans and white converse. Ugh.

Allison was greeted with Rune, sitting in her library again. "You seriously like this place don't you?" Rune's sea green eyes shifted from the book up to her. Damn. Since last night, Allison had been unable to get Rune's eyes out if her head. Those eyes were the prettiest shade of green she had ever been able to see. "Again, comfortable." He shrugged and got up. "Shall we go?"
Instead of answering Allison ran down the stairs. She grabbed her bag and shouted "I'M OUT TO SCHOOL!!!" with Rune cringing behind.

The pair was again in the lift, keeping quiet. Allison looked at Rune. That damn quiff. "Do you use, like hairspray?" Rune looked a little flustered by the question. " I don't." He replied and straightened his posture. Liar.

The two stepped out into the parking lot. "Get in." Rune said while gesturing towards the black jeep. "Don't tell me what to do." Allison replied before she could clearly comprehend the situation, crossing her arm against her chest. Rune Laurell was confused and certainly amused. "Okay... Don't get in the car and take the bus to school." Allison stood gaping. She finally could comprehend the scene. "Fine! I'll get in. Cause I want to, not cause you told me to." Allison replied getting as close as the jeep between them allowed her to be.
"Bossy." Rune grumbled under his breath."What did you say?!?"
This was probably the longest chapter I wrote?!??? Probably why the quality declined deeper into the chapter. But anyways thaaank you
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