You, Me and our Parents

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They say we're losers and we're alright with that
We are the leaders of the not-coming-back's
But we're alright though
Yeah, we're alright though
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene

"Well he looks lost." Ren Kawamoto, playfully spoke. The whole table broke out into a laugh. Allison snorted again as she looked up at the oddly familiar, new boy, he certainly did not fit the particular hot-new-guy-type. Sure he was hot, but he certainly did not give off the popular-boy, vibe, he just stood there looking left and right. Sure, girls and boys were swooning over him, but Allison was pretty sure he did not give notice to that. Allison was getting annoyed, she knew that she knew the boy who currently looked like a lost puppy. Adorable. Allison cringed as soon as she thought about him being adorable.FOCUS. She reminded herself.

"Hey Tusk." Allison swatted at Augustus' hand. "I think I know him." The boy had already found a seat with Brooke Cobb, who she has English
with. Brooke was possibly the prettiest girl in Allison's grade, and possibly the most popular. Allison would probably hate her if Brooke wasn't so nice.

"Ayyee she knows the new guy!!!"

The rest of the day went like a breeze, despite the bus ride. Oh yes she still hated that. But one annoying question still kept at her mind. How did she know the boy? Mindlessly, the air-headed Allison Westfield walked into the front door of her apartment.

"Ooooww!!" Allison sat on the ground cupping her head and nose. She wasn't sure what was hurting her more, so she  decided to rub her whole face.

"Well, that was hilarious." The boy leaning on the wall besides her spoke. Still cupping her nose and head, Allison looked up at the boy. Oh. The teenager who loomed over her smirked as he grabbed both of her elbows and propped her up. That's how she knew him.

"You go to my school?" Allison questioned. "Rune, right?"
"Yep, I saw you today in English." Rune replied, whilst ringing the doorbell. Allison observed him, amused. She counted the times he rang the doorbell before he realised that her parents aren't home. "Keys are with Mrs. Davis."


"ALLISON!!" Mrs Westfield was known to be loud, but not that loud to make you topple over your dog and fall face first onto the floor. Despite that Allison still ran downstairs, worry etched over her face.

The penthouse's first floor was well articulated and neat, light creams, and browns and a subtle maroon. But the second floor, more specifically where Allison's room is located is a little too messy, and the hallway in which she had made a library with loads of cushions sprawled across the floor was definitely messy. I have to clean it someday, or mom will kill me.

"Yes mom?" Allison peaked out from the stairs.
"We're going out for dinner."
"With whom? Why?Where?" Allison interrogated. The Westfield's rarely went out and if they did, it had to be business related or someone had invited them.

"With the Laurell's they moved in about two weeks ago, they live adjacent to us. I assume you have already met their son. Now go change."
Her mother spoke effortlessly while she applied a light shade of lipstick.

"Do I have to?" Allison groaned out.
"Your choice. Now quick, be ready in twenty."


Ok so 5th chapter ik its like super sucky but i try. Pls comment and vote. K? Thaaanks!!!✌️

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