You, me and Her

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Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
'Cause I won’t give up without a fight

Her sand brown hair fell past her waist. Her blue eyes scanned the hallways, searching for her usual green eyed companion. Even though he was new, she had grown quite fond of the boy. She could feel the eyes on her as she walked in the hallways, taking sharp turns, left and right, even though she felt a little out of place with it; she didn't mind it.A familiar voice called her name causing her to whip her head in the direction of the voice. "Hey Rune." With a bright grin on her face, Brooke Cobb walked towards Rune Laurell.

"Alli." Her eyes followed up to the source, frowning slightly, her back leaned against the wall. "Yeah?"  With her hands still shoved inside her locker, Allison tilted her head up slightly to look at Simon Arrington, pushing his frames up from the bridge of his nose. "Do ypu know anything about Brooke and uh- Rune?" Allison's cold hands paised for a moment before rushing back and rummaging through the locker, again. "No, nothing that is of importance, she has popped up at his place quite a few times, though." A small smiled appeared on her face as she found the book. "Why you asking?"

"Nothing really." Simon muttered. "What do we have?"

"English you idiot. I swear to God, you'd get lost without me." The brunette looked up and smiled brightly. "Now come on."

"I just want the poet to burst in and scream -'That is not what I meant, stop over analysing the poem you twat.' " Simon whispered in her ear, leaning forward, chuckling. The pony tail shifted back slightly, as Allison twisted back to look at Simon, his black hair disshevelled, and a stupid grin plastered on his face. Her heart may have skipped a beat, but she doubted it was for medical reasons. "Sure." She tried to hide the small smile, as she turned her attention to the teacher standing at the back.

"Isn't it beautiful! How the poet managed to convey that they both could talk with their eyes!" Professor Anderson stood at the end of the class, his hands crossed over his chest as he tilted his head to look at the greenery outside."Isn't it  beautiful! I mean how they understand each other with just a look of the eye." Her attention turned to the green eyed boy, sitting besides the boy as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat to avoid contact, with the over analytical English professor. Soon his green gaze collided with hers as he wiggled his eyebrows, smirking lightly. With a small blush on her face she looked at the boy who haf just stoof up in the opposite end of the class. "But sir, the poet just mentioned its a blue curtain."

"Shut up Timothy I have a Ph D in this."

He locked his hands with Brooke as they walked towards the parking lot. "He screamed at Timothy a lot didn't he."
Her blue eyes glimmered as she smiled, a soft giggle escaping her mouth. "He had a point though, didn't he?" He thought back for a moment, he thought about how Allison had looked at him, and he thougjt about how she blushed, he thought about how its useless and he thought about how he should give up. "Hey, Rune is that Allison by your car?" He looked up and saw her brown hair and her hard stare.
eh i hope this is okay for the looong update time

You, Me and the SkylineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz