Chapter 8: Forgive and Forget

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Aphmau's POV


Dawn broke the horizon of the sky, and the sun rose, its warmth fending off the darkness.

I smiled, and a single tear slid down my cheek.

As happy as I was to see my sister and nephew, it sent my heart aching to know I would never be able to talk with them properly. Ever.

Picturing their happy faces, smiling and waving at me, I walked up the steps of my porch. Shutting my door, I tiptoed upstairs, sat on my bed, and passed out.

But dreams were never pleasant for me.


A shadowy figure of a young boy with black hair and dark eyes peered up at me. His face was contorted with so much rage, I almost didn't recognize him.


"Don't call me that." He snarled.

"Wh...what's happening? Why are you so-"

"What's happening? You of course! You should've helped me!"

"I...what?" Utterly bewildered Andy would say something like that, I stepped forward to grab him, but he faded into mist.

Claire took his place, her eyes blazing with rage. "You should've stopped me Aphmau! You could've save me! You could've saved my son!"

"Claire, why-?"

She cut me off angrily. "Don't talk to me! Your not worthy of speaking!"

"Claire, stop!"

"And why should I? It's all your fault!"

"C..Claire, how could you say something like that? I though we were sisters!"

"We were. Until now."

She flashed away, and the ghosts of six children, including Andy, circled me, whispering, "Monster. Your fault. Don't deserve to live."

"STOP!" I screamed, and swiped at the nearest ghost.

A young girl with honey blonde curls and violet eyes screamed in agony as black claws sliced through her, tearing her to shreds.

I stared in shock at the blood dripping from my hands.

Long, puppet fingers, curled into deadly fists were splashed with scarlet.

"Monster." The voices chanted.

Tears filled my eyes as I stared at the motionless body of the girl.

"Your fault."

"No." I cried.

"Don't deserve to live." They hissed.

"GO AWAY!" I shouted.

Red tinted my vision and I lashed out at all the children, not caring if I was killing them.

All disappeared into smoke, along with the girl's corpse.

Suddenly, the floor slid out from beneath my feet.

Falling, I tumbled onto wooden floor.

Getting up, I looked around and had to muffle my own scream of horror.

A few feet away was Claire's body, her chests heaving ever so slightly.

I dashed over, but she bit back with venom.

A Dark Past (Aphmau FNAF meets MyStreet)Where stories live. Discover now