#7 More Fainting

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**Olivia's POV**

*When she walks into training room in previous chapter*

I walk into the training room with Quentin and Ian, although Seto slips in with us. We walk over to Marisa, who has just caught Jason, placing him down on a mat. She paces her hands on his chest, transferring energy to Jason. She glances back at us, saying, "I'm going to take him up to his room."

She picks Jason up bridal style, turns to leave the room, Ian, however, stops her, "Let me," he says to her.

She just nods to him, seeming to exhausted to protest. Marisa sets Jason in Ian's arms, and sits down next to Ty. "Alright Seto, close yo-," she stops. Seto was already glowing purple. After forming his wings, he opens his eyes to look at them. He closes his eyes again, and in a moment, they're gone.

"Never mind then," She says, "I leave you all to it then. "

She helps Ty up, letting him support himself on her shoulder, Seto does the same with his other side, and they half drag, half carry, Ty out of the room.

"Alright Quention, are you ready for this?" I ask him, "You could faint in the process."

"Yes, I gathered as much," He replies, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Close your eyes, focus on the ocean, the sea, the river, " I say to him, "Now imagine in your mind a pair of wings, imagine that those wings are on your back, and then believe it to be true that they are they."

He closes his eye, beginning to glow blue, his wings form a moment later. I see his face relax considerably, so I run and catch him. I place him on a mat, hearing the door behind me. I transfer energy into Quentin, restoring his. Just then Ian walks into the room. "Hello Ian, " I say as he walks over to me, "Are you ready to begin? You could faint in the process."

"Yes,  I'm ready, " He says, glancing at Quentin, who's still on the floor.

"Close your eyes, think about night time, darkness, " I say to him, "Then imagine a pair of wings in your mind, imagine those wings are on your back, then believe that they are on your back."

He closes his eyes and focuses. I see him struggling. After about a minute, he opens his eyes and sighs. "I can't, " He says.

"You can if you believe, " I encourage, "Don't try to hard, but don't discourage yourself either."

"Alright, I'll try again, " He says.

"Close your eyes and focus on the darkness that you see, but try to stay relaxed, " I coach him, not yelling, but in a somewhat motherly tone.

This time he glows, but only slightly. After about a minute of no progress, I ask him, "Do you want to go get something to eat?"

"No one went hunting today, so we probably don't have much, we rarely have leftovers, " Ian says.

"Why don't you go in the kitchen and check,  while I take Quentin to his room, " I suggest.

"Sure, I'll go check, " he says, as he starts for the door.

I pick up Quentin, bridal style, and head for the door also. There I find an Ian holding the door for me. "Why, thank you sir, " I say politely.

"Your welcome, " He says, blushing.

I walk down the hall, and take a left into Quentin's room, stopping to open the door of course. I place Quentin down on his bed and leave, shutting the door behind me.

Marisa had given me a tour earlier today, although yesterday I had to bug Mitch before he went to bed, where it is I should sleep. I walked a little ways until I was in front of the kitchen door. I walk in, seeing Seto preparing food. "Hey Seto, what are you fixing? " I ask him, seeing Ian sitting at the table.

"Fish, " Is all he says.

"Cool, can you call me when you're done, " I tell them, leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" Ian asks.

"Just outside, " I say in response.

I walk down the hall, past the living room, to the front door. I walk outside, over to the railing on the porch. I lean against the railing, looking out at the forest, my back to the door. 'Such a nice breeze and such a beautiful night. The stars are so bright, the moon is full. Such an amazing place, shouldn't be disturbed. But those butts want to get rid of the forest to build their kingdoms. I can't believe them.'

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that Ian had joined me on the porch until he spoke.

"The night is always so calming, isn't it, " he asks me.

"It is, although for you it would be for multiple reasons, " I say, smiling, "I think we should try it out here. "

"Let's eat first though, " he says, "Oh yeah, foods done. That's why I came out here in the first place. "

"Let's go inside and eat then, " I laugh.

We head inside, walking down the hall to the kitchen. "Here you are, " Seto says as we enter.

"Thank you Seto, " I say.

We eat quickly, Seto goes to bed after we sit down to eat. Once we're done, we head back outside.

"Why do I feel like this should come naturally and it doesn't? " Ian asks me.

"Some just need to start their training surrounded by their element. You know, Marisa had to spend two months surrounded by fire when we first started training, " I tell him.

"Really? I don't feel as bad now, " he says.

"Well, that was part of the reason, she also had to get her body used to the heat, or she would burn to a crisp before she could call upon her magic, but that was the main reason, " I say.

"I'm ready now, " he says.

"Close your eyes, focus on the darkness around you that is night, " I say to him, "Imagine a pair of wings, then imagine them on your back, then believe them to be there. "

He does this, and he is able to form wings, he has a second before he faints, where he says, "Cool."

I run and catch him, picking him up and carrying him bridal style. Setting his legs down to open the front door, locking it behind me. I carry him to his room. I lay him in his bed and place my hands on his chest. I transfer energy to him, then leave the room, shutting the door behind me. I walk to my room, changing to into the clothes I brought. I climb into the bed, falling asleep soon after.

The Lost Sons (Seto Sorcerer/Team Crafted Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat