On the hunt Part 1 con.

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Camilles POV

"What do you mean by gone?" Nicole frantically asked

"I mean gone, not here, somewhere else" I said slamming the book down on my desk

"This is just great" Nicole sarcastically said plopping down on the edge of the bed t

"Maybe you should stop looking for this rock; it's starting to get dangerous" Aunt Trice suggested coming in

I quickly turned my head to my aunt in disbelief

"What? No! I can't do that, aunt Tiesha needs me to find it!"  

"Or maybe this was just a warning to show that you need to leave it alone" she said walking over to me and laying her hand on my shoulder

I was quick to move her hand off me and get up to run right back to the front door

"You stay here with your mom I have to go back to Prodigys mansion" I said grabbing my bag and my car keys from off the sofa and heading outside to my car

Nicole came running outside after me

"Wait, you went to his mansion? He has one of those? Did he have a side job or something?" she was running out of breath with all the questions she was asking while trying to catch up

"Yes, yes, and maybe I don't know" I said opening the drivers side

"Just stay with aunt Trice for awhile and I'll make sure Jacque comes here if she finds anything back at Shaunices house okay?"

"Alright, be careful"

"I will" and with that I was on my way back to Prods house

When I made it back to Prodigys house something didn't feel right, I mean it looked the same how I left it but I just go this eerie feeling that something was not completely okay. I got out of my car and locked and walked right up to the gate and before I could push the buzzer the gate opened.

"Uh oh, I know what happens next in these scare movies" I started to walk back to my car but then I thought "No, I have to do this for aunt Tiesha"

I walked up the long stairs up to the big wooden front door and rang the door bell, no one answered. I started to knock on the door and still no answer, as I began to try to pull on the door knob the same little boy that was there the first time I came here appeared at the bottom of the steps

"I know how to open it" the little boy said

"Woah!" I screamed in shock

"I'm sorry if I scared you" he said running up the stairs and standing beside me

"What?" I said still in shock

The little boy smacked his lips and rolled his eyes

"I can open the door. See?" he said and just pushed the big wooden door open and ran inside

"W-wait!" I yelled after him but before I could say anything else he was gone

I started look around the house to see if I could find Prodigy or even Mr. Craig. The house was quiet....really quiet, it was like everyone just abandoned it.

"Hello? Big butler guy? Mr. Craig? Momma Wanda? Prodigy?" I stopped for a second "Amandine?"

I slowly walked up the long swirly staircase and started look in the different rooms upstairs. I then I saw a room with Prodigys name on it in gold cursive writing, I walked to the door and entered the big room, it had blue and red walls a from what it looked like, a king sized bed, a brown wooden dresser and huge closet. I just stared at his room in utter awe until someone bumped into me.



"What are you....You're suppose to be....I'm suppose to be.....how come? Ugh!" me and Ciara said in unison

"Ciara what are you doing here" I asked breathing heavily

" I came looking for"  Ciara started looking around the room until she laid her eyes on a small green and black box "This!" she said as she ran over and picked up the box. She started to leave the room but I stopped her

"Wait, you can't just come into someone's house, go into their room, and take their  stuff!" I said

"Oh don't worry, it's not his" she said leaving the room and running downstairs

"Wait, what do you mean!" I yelled down at her

"I mean it doesn't belong to him, I'll explain later!" she yelled back up at me

I deeply sighed as I started to look around the house again upstairs, I gave up and went back down stairs to look in Mr. Craigs office, before I could open the door the little boy opened it from the inside

I jumped and screamed "What the hell!"

"I know that you're looking for" he said

"Look, you seem lost. How about you just tell me your name and I could maybe take you home?" I suggested

He just looked at me, smiled and said "What you're looking for is in there" he pointed to a room at the end of the hall. I stared down the hall and looked back into Mr. Craigs office and the boys was gone again. I shook my head and headed down the hall.

When I reached the room, there was a sign on it saying "Do not enter". Well, this was just getting better and better. I rolled my eyes, and slowly opened the door to this long room, with satin red walls and carpet, on each side of the room were these ancient Egyptian Gods and mummy statues and at the end was this letter, I pulled out my glasses and squinted my eyes a little, I looked to see it had my name on it. Score! I thought, so I began to walk toward the letter but then I heard a noise. I turned around to see one of the mummies moved its arm and then its leg.

I froze, and blinked my eyes about three times before the mummy came up to me and swung! I ducked and dodged its swings until I backed up unto one of the Gods who also seem to come to life due to the fact it was raising its giant sword over my head, being a ballet dancer from kindergarten to the first grade, I did what any other dancer would do in my situation. I lifted up my right leg, spin and kicked. The metal armor then crashed to the ground, that's when I grabbed its sword and turned back around to face the mummy....and the mummy/ancient gods army behind it. I swung the sword in every direction until each metal armor and paper bandage was on the floor, I stood there in amazement of what I just did and started to walk toward the envelope that's when I then heard this growling sound, I turned back around to see this HUGE pharaoh statue coming off its post.

Scared out of my mind I darted toward the envelope while the huge metal figure came after me, everything seem to happen in slow motion as I kept running toward the white envelope. The huge metal figure then reached its gargantuan hands toward me and I jumped toward the post that held the envelop, grabbed it, and fell to the floor. When I got up and brushed myself off I looked around the room, it was back to normal.

Everything was back where it was suppose to be, I looked down on the envelope to see it had some other writing on it "Do NOT open until you get home." With Prodigys signature underneath, I stuffed the envelope into my pocket and ran out the room to the front door and darted out the house and down the front stairs. That's when I heard the little boys voice behind me near the front door

"Hey!" he yelled

I quickly turned around breathing heavily out of breath

"I must warn you, it just gets more dangerous from here" he said with a smile and then busting out in a roar of laughter

I just shook my head and just ran back to my car with the words the little boy said replaying in my head. I must warn you, it just gets more dangerous from here.

Woah! Was that freaky or what?! How do you feel about this so far?

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