"And does it have a name?" Alex asked.

"Laoghan." Andrew smiled. "She thought it first a calf not a horse. The name stuck."

"My wife is now heavy with expecting our first child. I won't brook anyone upsetting her." Alex said tersely, as he stood up. "Is that understood?"

Andrew said solemnly. "Aye, I understand completely."

Alex nodded once. "Ye must ken that ye won't be taking her anywhere. Her home is here with me and our clan."

Andrew didn't answer him, so Alex left the room with the wooden toy clutched in his hand. He sprinted up the curved, stone staircase and nodded hello to the guard on duty outside of their chambers, stopping to ask the young soldier if his wife was alone in their bedchamber. After Ewan confirmed it, Alex quietly opened and shut the door behind him. Callie was sleeping on her side, one slim hand protectively holding her large, pregnant belly over the Campbell plaid that covered her. Her belly seemed to have doubled in size the past few months. He knew she must be feeling miserable, but Callie had never complained, too happy to be given a second chance at motherhood. He smiled when seeing her asleep under one of his plaids instead of furs. Alex hated to wake her up, aware that she often slept better during the day than she did at night since becoming pregnant. He smoothed a few hairs away from her face, leaning down to kiss her gently. Callie stirred, half-asleep and yet managing a sweet, contented smile. "Alex..."

He laughed softly. "How do ye always ken when it's me?"

"Nobody else kisses me."

Alex muttered. "They better bloody not."

"Dinna fret. I wouldna let them."


"Anyway, they don't smell as good as ye do." Teasing him, Callie's eyes slowly opened to ask him. "What're ye doing here? Not that I'm unhappy to see you. I thought ye had plans to discuss rebuilding some cottages for a few of the tenants with Malcolm."

"Aye, we did, but something more urgent came up." He nodded, then showed her the toy. "Do ye ken..."

"Laoghan!" She yelled before he even got a chance to finish his question, snatching it from his hand and staring at it in amazement. "Where on earth did this come from?"

Instead of answering her question, Alex asked quietly. "What can you tell me about it?"

"My uncle Douglas made it for me when I was a wee lassie. Then, I gave it to one of my cousins before the gathering."

"Who was the cousin, my love?" Alex asked mildly, putting his hand over hers.

"Andrew." Her large eyes went wide with fright. "Why? Alex, now ye're scaring me. What's going on?"

"It's all right, Callie." His deep voice dropped to a soothing tone. "Dinna fash, love. But, a man downstairs is claiming to be your cousin."

"I see." She looked terrified, a hand going to her belly.

"It's okay, love. Nothing will happen ye dinna want." Alex tightened his hand over hers in a protective gesture. "Say the word and I'll send them all packing. Your home is here with me. I've already made that point verra clear to him."

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