Wedding night

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Alex led Callie out of the dining hall to the hearty cheers and bantering of his men after he answered questions and issued orders to Malcolm regarding the night watch. Knowing the MacGregors might try to wage a clan war once they realised that some of their men have been killed, Liam instructed him to tell the men on watch to be extra vigilant. Being laird of their clan meant they gave him the degree of respect he and his new bride deserved as they left the dining hall, but they were still hot blooded men who knew what transpired on a wedding night. Their cheers only served to increase Callie's anxiety and Alex felt her small hand trembling in his own, larger one when leading her out of the dining room. He gave her what he hoped would be a reassuring squeeze to calm her. It must have worked, since she managed to smile up at him afterwards. He was momentarily struck by her natural beauty from the brightness of her green eyes to the rosy blushes on the apples of her cheeks. He shook himself and started to walk them away from the dining hall. Callie followed him dutifully down a long, dark, and empty hallway quietly lit up by candle sconces along the stone walls.

"My father's grandfather was the one who first invited monks to live on our land. He instructed his warriors to help them to build these walls. He knew the Jesuit monks were fine scholars, as well as men of peace. He wanted both of these things for our clan after the resident priest died some years before. It was an unusual notion for a clan laird to be sure back in those days. Since that time, many monks have come and gone over the years, and some were clansmen like Donal. He is my father's cousin, you see. He never wanted to train as a warrior, because he could not abide by any act of violence even as a wee bairn according to my da. It's the reason why there was no meat at the evening meal. He just refuses to kill a living creature. In truth, I've admired that about Donal. Killing is something no man should relish doing." His large, warm hand never stopped holding hers, as he explained the history of the monastery.

"Do you regret people you've killed, Alex?" Callie asked softly.

"Aye, but it couldn't be helped. I would do it all over again if it meant I was defending people in my clan." He tucked an errant hair behind her ear. "Especially you."  

"You saved my life last night, then married me tonight to save my reputation." She shook her head in amazement at his chivalrous actions. "I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve you in this one, but I'm grateful."

"It's me that is grateful, Callie. I never expected to find a lass I'd want to marry."

"And you wanted to marry me?" She couldn't stop herself from asking.

"Oh, aye! More than I wanted to admit." His confession made her giggle, so she was still smiling when he kissed her. "Malcolm saw right through me by suggesting you marry one of my men."

"What was wrong with that?" Callie looked confused. "If you didn't want to marry, I mean..."

He paused, dropping his head to kiss her briefly. "Because, I couldn't bear the thought of someone else getting to kiss you."


Alex kissed her thoroughly again to underscore his point before they resumed walking. He led her down an empty passage way, stopping when they reached a closed, wooden door at the end of the long hallway. He angled his head towards Callie, his voice low against her ear. "This is our first night as a married couple, lass. I wanted to make sure you would have some comforts like a warm bed after sleeping on the ground last night."

When Callie realised he didn't specify them going to sleep, she hurriedly blurted out. "Um, I need the privy! I'm so sorry. All the wine at dinner is catching up with me."

Alex bit the inside of his cheek to hold back a laugh, because he worried how she would react to them being alone. He couldn't help, but think of their earlier chat today when she used the identical excuse to avoid speaking with him about the reason why she was on the run from her uncle. That conversation somehow seemed much longer ago than this morning. Now, she was going to become his wife in more than name only. He shook his head in relative amazement on how the day's events unfolded for them. They went from being strangers to being wed. He reassured her in a soothing tone. "Not to worry, Callie. It's just back this way."

He retraced their steps only a few paces and stopped outside a stout, wooden door along the same corridor. When he opened it and stepped back to let her see into the room, Callie saw it held a privy. She looked at it in surprise having never seen one set up indoors before now. She had been thinking a nice, long walk outside to an outhouse would have given her more time to get used to the idea of being alone with him. The fact that it was starting to storm outside didn't deter her from wanting to postpone whatever would transpire between them on their wedding night was simply an added bonus in her mind. Callie exclaimed in surprise. "I can't believe it's here. How on earth?"

"Aye." Alex bit down hard on his lower lip to avoid laughing at her visibly shocked expression when they stopped walking so soon. He decided to offer an explanation. "My father hated going to a privy out of doors, particularly in winter. He had this one built here after doing the same for our keep. He was an odd, but loving man."

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